The Age of Exploration 1467-1609
The Age of Exploration
Homework Finish backside of Age of Exploration Reading Worksheet
Objectives 1) What factors led to the Age of Exploration in the late 1400's? 2) Why did Europeans want to find a new trade route to Asia? 3) Who were the leading explorers of this time period?
Introduction to Exploration The Renaissance spurred an age of adventure and curiosity about the outside world. European nations sponsored expeditions overseas. Which countries sponsored exploration overseas?
Would you Sail into the Unknown?
Age of Exploration: The Basics What: Period of discovery. Europeans explorers roam the oceans in search of new sea routes. Who: European Sailors Spain, Portugal, England, France, Netherlands Where: All over the Globe When: 1487-1609
Long Range Causes The Age of Exploration Immediate Causes
Life at Sea We remained 3 months and 20 days at sea without taking in provisions. We ate only old biscuits reduced to powder, full of worms and stinking from the dirt which rats made of it. We drank water that was yellow and foul. We also ate leather straps, which we softened by soaking in seawater for several days.
I contracted scurvy. This disease rotted all of my gums, which gave out black and putrid blood. My thighs and lower legs were black and gangrenous, and I was forced to use my knife each day to cut into the flesh in order to release this black and foul blood. I also used my knife on my gums, which were livid and growing over my teeth. Many of our people died from it every day. -- Journal of Antonio Pigafetta, Sailor
Reasons for Exploration? “My motives for exploring are to serve God and His Majesty, to give light to those who are in darkness, and to grow rich as all men desire to do.” Bartolomeu Dias
Gold Seeking faster and cheaper routes to trade markets in Africa and Asia. (Gold, Spices, Slaves, etc)
God Rivalry with Islam; Desire to spread of Christianity.
Glory Desire to be the first to discover new sailing routes.
Intellectual Curiosity Desire to know more about the geography of the outside world.
Portugal and Spain Sponsor Expeditions overseas. Bartolomeu Dias – 1st to round the Cape of Africa. Vasco de Gama – 1st to reach India Columbus – Discovers New World (Americas) Magellan – Circumnavigates the globe
Technological Advances Cultural diffusion from China and Muslim culture gave Europeans a greater ability to navigate long-distances. 1. Magnetic Compass from China
2. Astrolabe Used by Arab sailors. Measured the angle of the sun above the horizon. Calculated a ship’s latitude.
3. Caravel Ship that combined the square sails of European vessels with the lateen (triangular) sails of Arab ships This made it easier to sail across and into the wind.
4. Cartography The science of mapmaking, improved greatly in the years preceding to the Age of Exploration.
Homework Complete Spanish Conquest of the Americas WS (reading on the shared drive)
Portugal Leads the Way Prince Henry “The Navigator” opened a school for navigation. He financed expeditions with his own money. Portugal becomes the first country to create trading outposts along African coast.
Portugal’s Trading Empire Portugal trades with Africans for gold, ivory, and slaves. Rather than conquering, they create coastal forts to protect their shipping lanes.
Portugal Reaches India Vasco de Gama reaches India, opening up the “spice and pepper” trade to Europe. Europeans can now bypass the Arab and Italian merchants in the Mediterranean.
Spain Makes Claims Spain attempts to find a sea route westward to Asia This prompted the voyages of Columbus. He “discovers” the West Indies of the Caribbean.
Treaty of Tordesillas Spain and Portugal competed fiercely for trade routes and colonies. The dispute is finally settled by the Treaty of Tordesillas. The Line of Demarcation separates the world into two zones. The Spanish control the West, The Portuguese control the East.
The World Divided
Dutch East India Company Private company from the Netherlands Directed trade throughout Asia Had the power to mint money, make treaties, raise own armies. Eventually displace Portuguese dominance in Asia.
Challenges to Portugal English and Dutch trading companies seek to control trade in Asia. Netherlands eventually becomes dominant trade power in the region.
Summary The Age of Exploration ended Europe’s isolation from the outside world. The discovery of new lands will lead to greater interaction between Europeans, Africans, Americans, Asians.