Share your ideas in a logical fashion ESSAY BASICS Share your ideas in a logical fashion
Essay BASICS The word essay is taken from the French word essayer, meaning “to attempt, try.” Thus when we write an essay, we are attempting an idea. When it comes to writing an essay, brainstorming is necessary. Choose the main idea, and then brainstorm some ideas that centre around this main idea. For example, some students want to write about hockey. The main idea is The Avengers, and some supporting ideas could include Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, and Black Panther. Consider the following map:
Think of a main idea for an essay you’d like to write .
Think of Four (4) Big Ideas That Will Support the Main Idea.
Part deux: More Complex Essays – this time it’s for revenge!
Writing an Essay Arguing a Point Introductory statement thesis Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Summary of supporting arguments Restatement of thesis Concluding statement Some essays require you to formulate a thesis and argue in defense of the thesis. Here is what such an essay should look like.
Introduction Before you write your introductory statement, you will have to know your 1) topic, and 2) what it is that you are going to assert about your topic. Once you have these two, you can formulate your thesis statement. Then you can work on your introductory statement.
Thesis statement To develop your thesis, you will first want to determine your topic and what it is you are going to assert about the topic.
Winning it gave Canadians a positive feeling about their country. THESIS The successful outcome of the War of 1812 gave the people of Canada a sense of national pride. ASSERTION Winning it gave Canadians a positive feeling about their country. TOPIC War of 1812
Introductory statement Very few Avengers can claim their power as being derived from the gods. Iron Man derives his power from rewriting his own biology, only when merged with the Iron Man armor. A super soldier serum gives Captain America his physical powers. Thor, prince of Asgard, is given his power from the gods according to Norse mythology. This power comes when Thor holds the hammer Mjolnir. Only those of sound moral character and integrity may lift Mjolnir. While all of the Avengers possess strong and noble qualities, only Thor has power directly given from the gods, making him the greatest of all of the Avengers. An introductory statement catches the interest of the reader, and is related in some way to the thesis. A quotation may sometimes be used. Purple = Introductory Statement Green = Thesis Statement
Compare & contrast A comparison essay shows similarities, or similarities and differences. A contrast essay shows only differences. The comparison or contrast should make a point or serve a purpose. Often these do one of the following: Clarify something unknown or not well understood. Lead to a fresh insight or new way of viewing something. Bring one or both of the subjects into focus. Show that one subject is better than the other.
THESIS & ORGANIZING STATEMENTS The thesis can present the subjects and indicate whether they will be compared, contrasted, or both. The same points should be discussed for both subjects; it is not necessary, however to give both subjects the same level of development. Some common organizational structures include: Block method (subject by subject) Point by point
Block approach This organizational pattern is most effective when used on shorter essays. The body of this essay is organized by discussing one subject, point by point, in complete detail before moving on to the next subject. The writer should select points by which both subjects can be examined. The number of body paragraphs will be determined by the number of points discussed in the essay
Point by point This organizational pattern is most effective when used on longer essays, such as a comparison of films, short stories, or novels. The body of this essay is organized by discussing one point at a time and how it applies to each subject before moving on to the next point. For long works, at least three points should be examined if not more.
Here are some connecting words that add coherence Use detailed topic sentences and the following connecting words to make the relationship between your subjects clear to your reader. Here are some connecting words that add coherence Purpose Suggested Connectors Adding ideas again besides firstly, etc. in addition like similarly also correspondingly further in like manner likewise too and equally furthermore in the same way moreover Contrasting ideas but in contrast otherwise still yet conversely instead on the contrary unlike however nevertheless on the other hand whereas
Showing order in time afterwards earlier immediately now thereafter at the same time eventually later presently thereupon before henceforth meanwhile then Making a conclusion accordingly finally in conclusion so therefore as a result for this reason indeed it follows that thus consequently hence in fact
HOW TO INTEGRATE QUOTES Introduce the quotation with a complete sentence and a colon. Example: Thoreau ends his essay with a metaphor: "Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in." Use an introductory or explanatory phrase, but not a complete sentence, separated from the quotation with a comma. Example: Thoreau asks, "Why should we live with such hurry and waste of life?" Make the quotation a part of your own sentence without any punctuation between your own words and the words you are quoting. Example: Thoreau argues that "shams and delusions are esteemed for soundest truths, while reality is fabulous." Use short quotations--only a few words--as part of your own sentence. Example: Although Thoreau "drink[s] at" the stream of Time, he can "detect how shallow it is."