Looking at Character Act 1 The Loman Family
Getting to know the characters Come up with 5 statements that describe the following characters: Willy Linda Biff Happy
Willy Contradictory Dreamer Cruel Hypocritical Selfish Deluded Fearful Proud Prizes popularity Stubborn Find an example or a quotation that fits with each of the above
Provide detailed answers for the following questions: Which characters do we feel pity for and why? Who do you feel is deserving of most sympathy? Could we blame Willy for the way Biff and Happy have turned out? Why? Is Willy more concerned about himself or pleasing others? What do you feel is the role of women in the play? Is there any element of society which is to blame for Willy’s, and indeed the Loman’s situation?
Mind Map Create a mind map of important quotations that will help you build up a clearer picture of Willy.
Use your statements to write a paragraph describing each character. Use quotations/make reference to text to backup your ideas. Willy’s views are often open to sudden changes. For example, in the space of a few short lines, he exclaims that Biff is ‘a lazy bum’ and then that he is ‘not lazy’. These clear contradictions arguably show a fragility of mind and an inability to gain a true grasp on reality.