Macbeth Learning Objective Understand how to reflect on your own PEELink to the wider play. Read and understand Act 5 Scene 2 – 7.
Dedicated Improvement and Reflection Time Starter Dedicated Improvement and Reflection Time Read your work through carefully. Choose one of these are which you think you need to work on. Select points and quotations carefully. Develop the explanation to include specific language analysis. Improve links to the rest of the play.
DIRT tasks Look for the task here that matches your target from the previous slide: Look back over one of your PEELs – re write the point and adapt (maybe find another more suitable) quotation – re through it afterwards, does that sound better? Rewrite one of your explanations. Consider doing one or more of the following – using ‘this suggests’, using the term ‘connotations’, putting a word under the microscope – re through it afterwards, does that seem more considered? Develop your link to the play, re write this section with another place you could link this to – re through this afterwards, does it work any better?
Read Act 5 Scene 2 on your own Identify an image that sums up how Caithness and Angus perceive Macbeth at this point. Draw the image and spider diagram the image’s connotations.
Before we read… THINK – PAIR - SHARE Macbeth is about to return to the stage – it is the first time the audience have seen him since Act 4 Scene 1. Consider Macbeth’s rise and fall and plot it on a simple line graph. When is he at his most successful and when is he at his lowest point? Be prepared to share.
Read Act 5 Scene 3 Consider the imagery that Macbeth uses in lines 41-6. Which, in your eyes, is the most effective metaphor here and why? What does this imagery tell us about his feelings towards Lady Macbeth?
Read Act 5 Scene 4 - 6
Appearance and reality The theme of appearance v reality has run throughout the play – can you think of any specific examples of it? Here Malcolm asks his soldiers to discard their branches and ‘show like those you are’. What does this tell you about this point in the play? Are things changing? Why?
Read Act 5 Scene 7
Plenary ‘My name’s Macbeth’ – how would you interpret this line? How would you direct an actor to perform it. Experiment with different ways and be prepared to share and justify with the class.
Homework Must: Re –read Act 5 Should: Write a summary of Act 5 so far Could: Write a short summary for each scene of Act 5 so far.