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Presentation transcript: Representative Office Agnieszka Krochmal-Wegrzyn 98, Rue du Trône, B-1050 Brussels Belgium phone: +32 (0) 2 213 41 63 fax: +32 (0) 2 213 41 69 email: Make it your Point of Reference email:

OUR OFFER: services of the IPR-Helpdesk Helpline Website eNewsletter Bulletin Training Actions The IPR-Helpdesk provides advice that covers the entire life cycle of your project. It offers advice that helps you manage your prior knowledge in the proposal phase and identify specific IPR provisions in the consortium agreement during the negotiation stage. It supports you with information about the protection and handling of IPR results throughout the project duration, which facilitates the use and dissemination of these at the end of your RTD-project. The IPR-HD offers a unique set of services to you which are free of charge and multilingual:

Helpline Expert & personalised advice in 3 working days per email in the following 6 languages: English, Spanish, French, Polish, German, Italian and free of charge The IPR-Helpdesk provides advice that covers the entire life cycle of your project. It offers advice that helps you manage your prior knowledge in the proposal phase and identify specific IPR provisions in the consortium agreement during the negotiation stage. It supports you with information about the protection and handling of IPR results throughout the project duration, which facilitates the use and dissemination of these at the end of your RTD-project. The IPR-HD offers a unique set of services to you which are free of charge and multilingual:

Helpline The IPR-Helpdesk provides advice that covers the entire life cycle of your project. It offers advice that helps you manage your prior knowledge in the proposal phase and identify specific IPR provisions in the consortium agreement during the negotiation stage. It supports you with information about the protection and handling of IPR results throughout the project duration, which facilitates the use and dissemination of these at the end of your RTD-project. The IPR-HD offers a unique set of services to you which are free of charge and multilingual:

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION email: Make it your Point of Reference email: