Indian Cotton Federation Members & Delegates Ashok D. Daga (Ask Cotton)
FACT CHECK Ashok D. Daga (Ask Cotton)
Swot Analysis of Indian Cotton Trade Strength:- Traditional & Ethical Scouring Model with no major Contracts Best natural Fibre compactable for both wearing & knitting counts. Initial season advantage of staple & Maturity. Spinners in India have the capability and expertise to spin any cotton. Shortest trial from Farm to Fashion in the world reducing “Green House Gasses & Emission”. Weakness:- Small Fragmented Farms Leads to More Contamination and Mixing of varieties. Non awareness of some farmers in selection of seed and Low yield per acre (one of lowest in world) Interstate travel of Kapas/ Waste Detoriating quality. Government cess or mandi tax on Kapas in some areas 1% with lack of storage infrastructure increase cost. No Proper Packing standards adding to contamination and poor product appeal. Compilation of on time data & authenticity of estimates Ashok D. Daga (Ask Cotton)
Swot Analysis of Indian Cotton Trade Opportunity:- Trade barriers USA vs. China. Recent Problems in textile manufacturing countries like Turkey / Bangladesh Small increase Yield Per acre will bridge the demand / supply Gap. Better Farming Practices reduce Farm Cost and increase Farm income & help to achieve government goal to double farm income by 2020. World Move towards “Cotton “ From other Fibres in specialized cases. Threat:- Man-made Fibre which is fast catching up. Competing with other countries with better yield and Marketing Concepts like Supima® and Eygptian Giza ® for finer Counts. Capital intensive and dollar sensitive with one of the highest interest rates in the world Second Largest employer Textiles has the lowest R&D and Training Facility and there by jobs creation is a big challenge. Next Generation preference to professional jobs to being Textile Entrepreneur’s. Ashok D. Daga (Ask Cotton)
Secret game to success 3 A’s Model Accessible Adaptable Assorted Ashok D. Daga (Ask Cotton)
Secret game to success 4 A’s Accessible Adaptable Assorted Affordable Ashok D. Daga (Ask Cotton)
NEED TO BE A PART OF VALUE CHAIN The first & most important Connection amongst the live wires of cotton trade Ashok D. Daga (Ask Cotton)
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