SuperAmma Promoting Handwashing with Soap in Rural India. Adam Biran, Val Curtis, Bob Aunger LSHTM
Val Curtis Wolf Schmidt Bob Aunger Katie Greenland Adam Biran Kiruba Varadharajan Divya Rajaraman Raja Kumar Balaji Gopalan Funded by Wellcome Trust and SHARE
Germs cause disease Background Lack of evidence for effectiveness Increasing recognition of non-rational influences
Formative research in 12+ countries Experimental work – UK – When do people wash hands? – Why do they wash hands? – What could motivate handwashing?
The Challenge Promote handwashing with soap at key times No health messages No mass media Potential for scaling up – Small intervention team – Limited contact time
Active Ingredients Behaviour drivers – Nurture – Disgust – Norms Local role models Cues and reminders SuperAmma – Central character
Disgust : what you dont wash off you eat!
A Day in the Life of a Hand Animation of daily hand contamination
Social Norms Everyone is doing it... Pledging ceremony Stickers on pledged houses
Wall of All
Reminders – for Habit Formation Stickers in bathrooms Childrens report card (2 weeks)
Local Relevance Posters local people – Important people are doing it Video testimonials of local people – People like me are doing it
Nurture SuperAmma film – A heart-warming tale of maternal love... and handwashing
Mid-Day Meal Moral Stories School Activities
Poo tag game Childrens rally
Rewards: Gifts, Certificates, Ceremonies
She wakes up before the sun, She cleans up everyone, She brushes my teeth, Washes my face, She can cook up a meal before I can say My mom is a supermom! She washes her hands with soap, Before idli or before soup, She combs my hair, She cuts my nails, She can get me ready Before I can say My mom is a supermom! She tells me many good stuff, Some easy and some tough, wash my hands with soap after toilet, Wash my hands with soap before I eat, but she can do all this and more Before I can say My mom is a supermom! Jingle
Delivery Two mobilisers, 1 technician, 1 driver 4 days – 2 consecutive and 2 a week apart School and community events days 1 and 4
Study Site Southern Andrhra Pradesh Village size Water from pumps and standpipes Soap present in all households Open defecation
Study Design Cluster randomised, controlled trial 7 village pairs matched on size 1 village from each pair randomised to receive intervention Controls receive nothing 25 households per village – Random selection from school register
Outcome Measures Behaviour change Primary outcome – % of key events when hands are washed with soap Secondary outcome – % of all handwashes using soap Data collected by structured observation 05:30 – 08:30 At baseline and 3 weeks post-intervention
Figure 2. Handwashingre and post-intervention by study arm. 2% 4% 1% 19% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Pre-interventionPost-intervention Soap use at key events intervention control Difference 16% p= handwashing with soap
18% 19% 36% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% Pre-interventionPost-intervention Handwashing with soap Soap-use for all handwashes intervention control Difference 18% p= 0.001
Normative Beliefs about HWWS In this village...InterventionControl almost everyone HWWS before eating 35%8% almost everyone HWWS after defecation 36%10% People HWWS more than in other villages 98%42%
Conclusions Suggests behaviour change can be achieved Not about health Creative inputs are important Still a lot of unwashed hands For more information visit