Anatomy & Physiology Chapter 3/4: The Skeletal System (Guided notes) Waggy
Key Concepts Functions Types of bones Bone Cells Types of Joints Bone Fractures Learn the Bones!!
Skeletal System Functions: Support: Protection:
Movement: Reservoir for minerals and adipose tissue Hematopoiesis
Bone Classification There are 206 named bones in the human body. 4 types of bones: 1. Long Bones 2. Short Bones
3. Flat Bone 4. Irregular Bones Sternum Sphenoid Bone
Bone Cells 1. Osteoblasts 3. Osteoclasts 2. Osteocytes The blue arrows indicate the osteoblasts. The yellow arrows indicate the bone matrix they’ve just secreted. 1. Osteoblasts 2. Osteocytes 3. Osteoclasts
Joints Classified by degree of movement and type of tissue: 1. No movement: 2. Slight movement: 3. Freely moveable: (aka: synovial joints)
Types of Synovial joints Gliding: Hinge: Pivot: Suture: Saddle: Ball and socket:
Bone Fractures (Breaks) Bone fractures are classified by:
Types of Bone Fractures Complete – Incomplete – Simple (or closed) - Compound -
Comminuted - Compression - Depressed - Impacted - Spiral - Greenstick -
Factors Affecting Bone Development, Growth, and Repair Deficiency of Vitamin A – Deficiency of Vitamin C – Deficiency of Vitamin D – Insufficient Growth Hormone – Excessive Growth Hormone – Insufficient Thyroid Hormone – Sex Hormones – Physical Stress –
Axial Skeleton Consists of: 1. Skull 2. Thoracic Cage 3. Spinal column
Skull Skull formed by 2 sets of bones 1. Cranium – 2. Facial bones – All but 1 of the bones of skull are joined by sutures (interlocking, immovable joints) Mandible attached by a freely moving joint.
1. Cranium Made up of 8 large flat bones 1. Frontal – 2&3 Parietal (2) – sagittal suture - coronal suture - 4&5. Temporal (2) –
Important bone markings found on temporal bones: External acoustic (auditory) meatus – Styloid process - Mastoid process –
Occipital – -Joins parietals anteriorly at lambdoidal suture -Foramen magnum -
7. Sphenoid – Sella turcica -
8. Ethmoid –
The 14 Facial Bones 12 paired, only the mandible and vomer are single 1&2. Maxillae (2) / maxillary bones – Paranasal Sinuses –
Facial Bones 3&4. Palatine(2) – 5&6. Zygomatic (2) – 7&8. Lacrimal (2) – 9&10. Nasal (2)
Facial Bones 11. Vomer 12. Mandible 13& 14. Inferior Nasal concha
Thoracic Cage Sternum: fusion of three bones
Ribs: 12 pairs, grouped by structure True: False: Vertebrochondral: Floating:
Vertebral Column 24 vertebrae, sacrum and coccyx (26 total) Five regions:
Appendicular Skeleton Consists of: Pectoral girdle Arm bones Pelvis Leg bones
Pectoral Girdle Joins the arms to the body
The Arm Made of the humerus (upper arm), radius, ulna (lower arm) and carpel bones (hand)
Lower Arm Radius Ulna
The Hand Wrist: Hand: Fingers:
Pelvic Girdle Joins the legs to the body and protects organs Each hip is made of 3 bones: ilium, ischium, and pubis Ilium: Ischium: Pubis:
The Leg Made of femur, patella, tibia, fibula, ankle, and foot. Femur:
Lower Leg Tibia Fibula
The Foot Ankle: made of 7 tarsal bones Talus: Calcaneus: Foot: Toes:
The End