teachHOUSTON Student Society Lesson Plan Workshop Great ideas!!! I think this will be a most useful workshop...especially for STEP 2 and CI. Be sure you get STEP 2 and CI Master Teachers to give big plugs for this workshop. Thank you. I’ve included several suggestions and comments on the slides and in the notes sections. teachHOUSTON Student Society
Objectives First thing you need to decide What do you want your students to learn? How will each objective be assessed?
the students! 5E Lesson Plan Who can name them in order? ENGAGE EXPLORE EXPLAIN ELABORATE EVALUATE DO Who is doing the activities? Who is doing the talking? TALK DO Really nice slide!!! the students!
Planning Guide Write your objectives and decide how you will assess each objective Decide where (in which E) each objective will be addressed Select your activities with your objectives and assessments in mind Recheck to make certain your activities align to the objectives and assessments Write your Planning Guide New Slide: I’ve supplied some ideas for this additional slide. It is probably too wordy...feel free to make changes (or not use). Thanks for providing me with the opportunity to review the ppt.
Our Goal How do we do this? To make our lessons more student-centered Questions, question, questions Student-centered activities Formative assessments
1. Questions Dr. Evans, “If you want to say something, don’t! Ask a question instead.” Avoid lecturing by using good lead-up questions Students are creating knowledge, building neural networks. Give them a chance to create and think!
2. Student-Centered Activities What are some examples? Card-sorts Labs with “teacher checkpoints” Table talk Think-pair-share
3. Formative Assessments What is it? Assessment for learning Helps you gauge student’s understanding How can we use it? Communicators Checkpoints Be sure you explain what you mean by “assessment for learning”. I love this phrase but new students in the program often do not understand the meaning. Emphasize a formative assessment is not just an assessment for a grade. The focus of the assessment is to help students identify misconceptions and “fix them” and to provide feedback for the teacher about whether students are understanding the concepts.
A Few Tips Preparation is key! How did your master teachers model teach? Spread out your objectives Time management Preparation is key! Do your lesson at least once or twice before actually teaching it (especially if you’re going to be doing lab activities) Think about how your master teachers did their model teach. Try to employ their methods Distribute your objectives in a practical way (Explore might have the first two objectives, while the Elaborate has the third) Be efficient with your time, both in the class and before the class. Lesson planning is very time-consuming and you want to make sure that you make good, engaging lesson plans. But don’t spend 8 hours writing a lesson plan draft for a 45 minute class. Again, knowing your objectives should keep you focused on what you want in your lesson plan.
Questions and Feedback Did you have any questions/comments on how to construct a 5E lesson plan? Did you want feedback on your current lesson plan?