School Health Partners Michigan Association of School Nurses May 12-13, 2016
Presentation Team Amy Zaagman Stephanie Painter Executive Director Michigan Council for Maternal & Child Health Stephanie Painter Director School Health Program Grand Rapids Public Schools
What are School Health Partners? Assembled players from each team Goal of creating a louder chorus vs. individual voices Impact made via collaboration Develop tools/model that can be replicated
Grand Rapids Public Schools Story Michigan Model Health Education School Nurses School Based Health Centers
Why Collaborate?
Resources are Limited! Work together to identify and utilize LIMITED resources. Work together to advocate for resources. FOR CHILDREN!
What do Children need? All Some Comprehensive Health Education Emergency Care Readiness An Environment that promotes Health Screening Social Support Nursing Care for Health Conditions to be able to access Education. (FAPE, 504) Removal of barriers (31A) Access to Professional Services Medical Dental Behavioral Health Child Protective Services All Children Comprehensive Health Education Physical Social/Emotional Skills Emergency Care Readiness Illness Injury An Environment that promotes Health Nutrition Physical Activity Screening Vision Hearing Social Support Some Children Nursing Care for Health Conditions to be able access Education. (FAPE, 504, 31-A) Access to Professional Services (SBHC) Medical Dental Behavioral Health 96% of Health Needs can be addressed by School Nurse and CHW team. 4% referred need to get through barriers. (SBHC ideal for schools with >1000 enrolled students over age 14.)
What Resources Are Available? Grand Rapids Public Schools Spectrum Health Kent County Health Department Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and Education Insurance Billing via Cherry Health Grants Grand Rapids Public Schools Educational Expertise District Funds Policy and Procedure Spectrum Health Health Expertise Community Benefits Kent County Health Department MCIR Health Screening Communicable Disease Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and Education School Based Health Centers Michigan Model Insurance Billing via Cherry Health Grants
HOW? Form Team Identify Leadership Perform Assessment Establish Priorities Form Team Identify Leadership Assessment Needs Resources Priorities Action plan with measurable outcomes Rules of Engagement Roles and Responsibilities/Job descriptions Legal Framework/Contracts/Agreements Policy/Procedure Communication and conflict Resolution
Collaborative Planning Action Collaborative Planning What are Needs? What Resources are Available? Who has control over the resources needed? What are Priorities? How can we work together? Who leads? How do we measure Outcomes?
Data Collection Method GOAL #1: Promote health and prevent disease and illness among children attending participating schools. Objective Performance Target Activity Measurement Design Data Collection Method Data Analysis Method 1.1 Achieve compliance with state immunization requirements by November 1 and February 1 of each academic year 95-100% of students Review immunization records as required for schools. (currently all new students, kindergarten, & 7th gr) Enter all immunizations records in statewide MCIR electronic system Notify parents of deficient immunizations Communicate with district administrator to enforce compliance Coordinate school-based immunization clinics to avoid having to exclude any non-compliant students from school Exclude non-compliant children from school when necessary Number of immunization records reviewed: % of student meeting immunization requirements: Number students receiving immunizations at school-based clinics: Post only Sample Size: All new students entering school and all students in kindergarten or 7th grade. Schools with CHW report on all students. The nurse collects and enters data electronically in the MCIR system and fills out an immunization report for SHAP Summary reports are due by November 1 and February 1 for new students and for all students by June 1 Data Collection Tool: SHAP Reporting Tool Counts and frequencies
Medication Committee GOAL Outcome Measure Goals: Safe medication administration in schools Outcome Measures: All persons administering meds are properly trained in med administration by GRPS nurses Reduced # of medication errors measured by fewer filed incident reports Complete documentation of medication given as measured by yearly QA study Resources readily available to nurses for providing med administration training as measured by availability of medication video and training manual Committee Members: Dianne Golczynski —Chair, Kelly Bolthouse, Lynn Vanoostveen Methodology-Documentation of meds administered When Who Correct code used to document missed doses QA results reviewed and shared w/schools Review filed incident reports, offer prevention assist as needed. On going Yearly in Dec./ Jan. Individual nurses and Marcia Med.Com.and Marcia Methodology-Trained med administrators Nurses to train new staff yearly Offer district wide training sessions at start of school year Names of trained med administrators entered into database, certif. of completion on file in school, and completion card given to staff. Pursue the filming of medication training video with GRTV so all nurses have a copy for training purposes. At school start-up Upon completion of training. On-going since fall Dianne G.or med committee members Dianne G., Med com members, and Lydia Medication committee
Advocacy for Resources School Health Partners
SHP Toolkit Come and get it! Planning Guide & Event Check List Sample Invitation Letter FAQ Document Brochure Power Point Presentation
Q & A What else do you need to be successful?