Environmental Basics 2014
About This Training This training covers several environmental topics and is required for our employees, every other year. The topics are in support of our Environmental Management System. After completing this training, employees will be able to: Understand our Environmental Management System Policy Locate the Corporate Responsibility Report Explain the Environmental Aspect and Impact of their activities Understand the Corporate Environmental Goals Compare the 4 Categories of Waste Be aware of the changes related to the Globally Harmonized System for Chemical Hazardous Communications Please remember, Environmental success is a shared responsibility among all our employees, contractors and visitors.
Mission and Social Responsibility and Sustainability Policy Our mission is to improve the standard of living for everyone by making the world more productive and sustainable. That's what we do every day. To learn more about our progress in support of our mission, please read the current Corporate Responsibility Report, click here http://www.rockwellautomation.com/abou t_us/responsibility.html Information about our company's ISO 14001 certifications is also available at the link above. Our company's Social Responsibility and Sustainability Global Policy can be found at A-Z>Policies & Procedures> Social Resposibility & Sustainability.
Environmental Management System An Environmental Management System is designed to meet set requirements and are based on the following key elements: Policy Planning Implementation Checking/Corrective Action Management Review Our customers recognize the importance of an Environmental Management System to create a formal structure to minimize the organizations impact on the environment, environmental liability and potential for non- compliance. Our company’s Environmental Management System is based on and in conformance with the ISO 14001 Standard. Many of our locations are certified to the ISO 14001 standard (approximately 25 locations). View the ISO 14001 standard by going to RAIN>A-Z>Safety & Environmental (HQ)>Management Systems>Standards Plan Do Check Act The next section of this training will walk through the main elements of our Environmental Management System.
Environmental Responsibility Rockwell Automation is committed to demonstrating the highest standard of global environmental management. Our policy is to go beyond strict regulatory compliance and to act in the interest of the communities in which we live and work. We are committed to the continual improvement of our environmental management system and performance, including resource conservation and pollution prevention. We relentlessly strive to be the best in all aspects of environmental management by fostering a culture of trust, teamwork, accountability, partnership and communication with employees, suppliers, customers and outside organizations. Regulatory compliance Continual improvement Pollution prevention Click here to access the 900-level Environmental, Health and Safety procedures.
Activity- Aspect- Impact We use the following concepts to identify our environmental objectives in order to drive environmental performance improvements. Activity Environmental Aspect Environmental Impact Activity = Job tasks Aspect = Result of your Activities, sometimes also simplified to “inputs and outputs” Impact = Changes (good or bad) based on the environmental aspect
Activity- Aspect- Impact Example = inputs and outputs from the activity IMPACT Semi-truck driving Exhaust Gas Tires Diesel fuel Air Pollution Use of landfill space Use of natural resources Based upon an aspect and impact analysis, significant impacts are determined. Objectives and targets are developed to increase environmental performance and reduce our impact on the environment.
Planning Our Corporate Goals Our significant environmental aspects are energy usage and waste generation. We have developed corporate goals to address these aspects: Reduction in energy intensity by 30% from our 2008 baseline by 2020 Recycle or reclaim 80% or more of our generated wastes, while reducing overall waste consumption Zero tolerance of environmental compliance violations
Implementation Waste As an employee, you need to know how to appropriately handle waste that you generate. The next section of the training will walk you through the four categories of waste at our company. Local regulations take precedent when more stringent than RA procedures. Employees who are required to handle Hazardous Waste or Controlled Materials, need to receive additional, annual training.
Implementation Waste Identification As our company generates a relatively small volume of waste each year, it is more important than ever that we all pay close attention to how much waste we generate and how we dispose of that waste. Most Rockwell Automation locations have a high rate of recycling. Keep in mind that different locations have different approaches, containers and rules around recycling. If in doubt, ask before throwing items into the trash. Katowice, Poland Milwaukee, WI
Identify Waste Categories Waste is divided into four waste categories. Waste Category: Waste Examples: Hazardous (Special) Waste Used Solvents Controlled Materials Used Flourescent Lamps, Scrap Products, Waste Batteries All Waste Aluminum, Paper, cardboard Recycled Materials Trash Food Waste
Hazardous Waste and Controlled Materials Hazardous (Special) Waste Used Solvents Controlled Materials Used Flourescent Lamps, Scrap Products, Waste Batteries All Waste Never put anything into a container identified with either of these two labels (or similar ones) unless you have been trained and understand the labels.
Controlled Materials Do not dispose of the following items in the trash. Check with your EHS Coordinator if you are not sure how to handle any of the following items: Computers or monitors Other electronic devices such as calculators, printers etc. Circuit boards Soldering waste Used Oil Used Batteries If you or your department has outdated or excess chemicals, contact your EHS Coordinator for removal. Never dump an unknown substance or chemical down the drain. Some locations will label and store “controlled materials” listed above as “hazardous wastes” because of local regulation. Local regulations take precedent, when more stringent than RA 900-level procedures.
NEW- Global Harmonized Standards for Chemical Hazardous Communications Chemical manufacturers, distributors and importers are in the process of modifying their labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDS) to include the requirements of the Global Harmonized System (GHS, a new regulation). You need to be aware of these changes to chemical hazard communications so that you understand the chemical hazards in your workplace. You may access 3E by going to RAIN>A-Z>Material Safety Data Sheets or click here. If you work with chemicals you will receive additional training on Chemical Hazard Communication annually, this training will include additional training on the Global Harmonized Standards and SDSs.
Global Harmonized System Introduction Labels will include: A hazard pictogram Signal word Hazard and precautionary statements Product identifier and Supplier identification Example GHS label
Pictograms The GHS labeling will use the pictograms shown at left. Please note that the pictogram for Oxidizers and Flammable are very similar. However, these materials may not be stored together.
Signal Words The signal words you will see on the GHS labels, correspond to the level of concern- from Danger to Warning. The hazard statement and pictogram communicate the hazard. The highest hazard level is identified by the word "Danger." Lower hazard levels are identified by the word "Warning."
During the transition- warning labels you may see “old” NFPA “old” HMIS “new” GHS
Implementation Special Note- Lithium Batteries Many of our products contain Lithium batteries. These batteries and products require special shipping, disposal and handling. Additional training is required to prepare Lithium Batteries for shipment. If you prepare lithium batteries for shipment in our products and/ or in consumer products (laptops, tablet computers and more), you will need additional training. Please contact your supervisor or EHS Coordinator for more information.
Checking and Corrective Action Based on the Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) risk at each location, the company conducts periodic, internal Performance Assessments. Additionally, locations with ISO 14001 certification participate in periodic, external system audits and System Management Reviews. We participate in these activities to drive continual improvement of our EHS programs. Please see the Corporate Responsibility Report for our current progress toward meeting our corporate environmental goals. Please also feel free to contact your location's EHS Coordinator to learn more about your site's goals.
Corporate Environmental Program Company Wide Support Sales: Promote sustainable business worldwide Everyone Has a Role: Governance & Finance: Ensure accountability & transparency Business Groups: Ensure energy efficiency, resources To understand and follow the company’s Environmental policies and procedures RA Corporate Environmental Program Research & Development: Create sustainable innovation Marketing: Promote sustainable leadership Human Resources: Invest in diverse talent Supply Chains: Encourage responsible partnerships Operations: Committing to EHS, CO2 reduction
Other Ways to Get Involved Our employees work everyday to create products for our customers to reduce their environmental impact. Ways to get involved here at your location: Work to reduce waste in your area Look for opportunities – be creative Speak up if you have an idea to reduce the organization’s environmental impact If interested, join your location’s Sustainability Team or if your location does not have one- create one. Who’s Responsible for Rockwell Automation’s Environmental performance? You Are!! That’s right. Refer to your location’s procedures and the 900-level procedures. Always ask questions if you are unsure of what is expected.
What do I need to know? What is Rockwell Automation’s Environmental Policy? (key 3 points in your own words) Who is your environmental management representative? (ISO 14001 certified facility) Who is your EHS coordinator? How does your job impact the environment? Do you know what to do with waste materials, such as, used batteries or a spent aerosol can? If you didn’t understand an environmental procedure what would you do? Employees at ISO 14001 locations: What is your facility doing to achieve continual environmental improvement?