A period of low economic activity and rising unemployment. Global Depression Learning Goal 4: Summarize the international, political and economic causes of the global depression and explain how the US, Germany and the Soviet Union responded to the economic depression. (TEKS/SE’s 11A,B,12B) Depression A period of low economic activity and rising unemployment.
Causes of the Global/Great Depression War Debts in Europe Financial Crisis Stock Market Crash Poor Banking Management & Lack of Stock Market Regulations Causes of the Global/Great Depression Agriculture High Tariffs Overproduction Industry
Causes of Global/Great Depression Overproduction Industrial and farming surpluses deflation ( supply, demand) There were many layoffs, which led to higher unemployment War Debts in Europe Rebuilding effort + overdependence on American loans for financing WWI made Europe vulnerable to economic crisis in U.S.
Stock Market Crash US Stock Market crashed on Friday, Oct. 25, 1929 (Black Friday) Europe felt effects of crash, as foreign investors lost money Poor banking management and lack of stock market regulations in the US led to bank failures and loss of credit sources for Europeans Americans were heavily invested in Europe, but kept pulling out money to play the stock market W/o ability to borrow, Germany had no money to pay reparations Bank Runs and subsequent bank failures "It's A Wonderful Life" Bank Run Scene
United States Response Passed highest tariffs in history to protect US industries and block international trade Created modern welfare state with intro. of Social Security & unemployment compensation Massive government effort made to create jobs through public projects New Deal – Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) Turned to strong leadership and elected FDR to 4 presidential terms in office
Germany’s Response Stopped paying WWI reparations Printed money hyperinflation 1919 - $1 US = 9 German marks 1923 - $1 US = 4 billion German marks Weimar Republic (est. after WWI), blamed for economic problems By 1933 voters turned to strong leadership in Hitler and the Nazi Party Previously prosperous middle class rejected communism and moved towards fascist protection of business Hitler created employment and promoted nationalism by rebuilding for military effort
Soviet Union Response Saw Great Depression as failure of capitalism Prior to depression, Russia’s economy less integrated into world sphere and less industrialized Less affected by Great Depression Soviet Union’s industrial output increased during depression and provided job opportunities