Collaboration Project By the Design Thinkers vic
Brief Summary Create a platform to increase student-to-student collaborations within a University setting. Elevating an individual’s experience and skills, by exposing them to real-world working atmosphere and bolster their résumé. Ath Introduce the problem, so we will create a platform, to solve this problem
Pains Lack of Networking Lack of Awareness Students are facing the difficulty in contacting with other students from different faculties and years Lack of Awareness There is also not much awareness about the collaboration in University Sunha
Audience Sunha
Competition Direct Indirect Social & Dating, Slack, Hightail, Flowdock, Quirky, Facebook, Tinder, Happn Ath = common features, why we included social and dating
Tagline: Build Value through Contacts Solution Alloy Tagline: Build Value through Contacts Our core message would be to promote a network that merges collaboration. A place where people can store all of their contacts, to keep throughout their academic and working careers.
Customer Journey 1. Create a Task 2. Connect & Meet 3. Collaborate 4. Keep Contact Forever Ath Mention when they meet they will meet in a neutral ground, up to them where they go on from that
Personal & Public Profile Contacts Personal & Public Profile vic
Tap Controlled Search Engine Re
Interactive Promotional Slides Interactive Board Interactive Promotional Slides Showcasing projects completed through the app Creating buzz and awareness Breaking the ice with interactive networking games. Log in 3 mile radius of the board Activate game mode
Benefits No need for an exchange of money Gaining contacts that can be used later in life Possibility to link projects to crowdfunding Possibility to link Alloy to LinkedIn profile for job opportunities Sunha
Marketing Exhibited at university Freshers Fair Encouraged by Course Representatives Promoted through Lecturers/ staff Sustained by University Subscriptions Re
Roll Out September 2019 - 1st years use app September 2020 - App is introduced into next round of 1st years September 2022 - Initial 1st years become alumni, gone through system for trial period Streamline to 10 more Art Colleges ath
Business Model Canvas Key Partners: Tech team Student Union KU Local businesses Sponsors Key Activities: Marketing Sales Trial Period Promotion Reps Design Value Proposition: Build Value through Contacts An app to upskill your students Customer Relationship: Frequently Asked Questions Emails Customer Segments: Personal Projects Uni Projects Entrepreneurs Alumni Freelancers Key audience Segment: Universities Key Resources: Budget Digital Resource Channels: Social Media Networking Events Email Blasts Posters Advertising Cost Structure: Developments Revenue Streams: Course Budget - Advertising Sponsors - Subscriptions Donations Vic