On Feb. 11, 2015, the federal Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) legislation was amended to incorporate standards set by the United Nations’ Globally Harmonized System for Classifying and Labelling Chemicals (GHS). In this presentation we will focus on the basics of what workers need to know and how you as an employer can prepare. This brief overview is not intended to constitute WHMIS training. WHMIS 2015 Checklist
Introduction After many years of discussion Canada has aligned WHMIS with GHS. WHMIS 1988 – Previous WHMIS 2015 - New After many years of discussion Canada has aligned WHMIS with the GHS. GHS is a communication standard for hazardous chemicals that has been brought forth by the United Nations. GHS has already been adopted around the world. WHMIS 2015 is intended to reduce confusion, ensure compliance and maintain the health and safety of workers both here and abroad. The new programme will be referred to as WHMIS 2015. The previous WHMIS will be referred to WHMIS 1988. We are currently in a transitional period that allows workplaces time to convert from WHMIS 1988 to WHMIS 2015. These changes will affect provincial WHMIS legislation and they will be updating to incorporate the WHMIS 2015 requirements. Workplaces will need to comply with federal and provincial laws and amend their WHMIS-related occupational health and safety regulations.
WHMIS 2015 Transition Timeline Some confusion still exists around what system employers are to follow. We have included more information on how employers should proceed according to federal legislation until their provincial jurisdictions have amended their legislation. To help employers prepare with a transition plan this chart illustrates a proposed timeline for a transition process from WHMIS 1988 to WHMIS 2015. We are currently in Phase 1. If you are a Supplier: During the transition period, suppliers of "hazardous products" will be allowed to comply with the old system (WHMIS 1988) or the new (WHMIS 2015) but not both; this is being interpreted that if the product is labeled with WHMIS 1988 style label a WHMIS 1988 MSDS must be distributed and vice versa. All suppliers must provide information in compliance with WHMIS 2015 by June 2018. Details can be found in the federal legislation of the Canada Gazette II. WHMIS 2015 requires suppliers to update SDSs when new information is available and not every three years. Therefore, each time an employer purchases a hazardous product, they must ensure they are provided with the most current version of the supplier SDSs. Some jurisdictions will expect employers to confirm every three years that they have the most current SDS. If you are an Employer: 1. If there are no products with WHMIS 2015 safety data sheets (SDSs) and labels in the workplace, the employer continues to comply with WHMIS 1988 requirements. 2. If the employer receives a product that has an SDS and label complying with WHMIS 2015, they must comply with the WHMIS 2015 requirements. This includes, but is not limited to: Training for workers who work with or near the product. 3. If the employer receives a product that complies with WHMIS 2015, they may apply a work site label, that complies with WHMIS 1988 to the product container. In this case, they can continue to only comply with WHMIS 1988 in the workplace. However, in addition to complying with the WHMIS 1988 requirements, they also must ensure the SDS provided with the product contains all of the information listed in Schedule 1 of the former federal Controlled Products Regulations. 4. During the transition phase where an employer has products that meet both WHMIS 1988 and WHMIS 2015 in the workplace, the employer must comply with both systems concurrently, including training. If there is both WHMIS 1988 MSDSs and WHMIS 2015 labels and SDSs, workers must be trained on both systems. WHMIS 1988 workplace labels can be used as an interim measure prior to training on WHMIS 2015. WHMIS 2015 Transition Timeline
Provincial Interpretation for Employers Province Provincial Legislation Alberta Consultation over. Amendments pending . http://work.alberta.ca/documents/OHS-Bulletin-CH009.pdf http://work.alberta.ca/documents/OHS-Bulletin-CH010.pdf British Columbia Amendments to the Code are Online http://www.worksafebc.com/regulation_and_policy/policy_decision/board_decisions/2015/feb/assets/20150224-01.pdf Ontario Consultation complete. Amendments pending. Details to be posted here: http://www.labour.gov.on.ca/ Saskatchewan Public consultation underway http://www.saskatchewan.ca/haveyoursay The provinces are rolling out their interpretation and amendments to the Federal WHMIS 2015 Legislation. As employers are regulated by their provincial jurisdiction you need to consult with your provincial regulatory body to maintain compliance. We have included links to 4 provincial bodies for you. This information conveys that every province is moving at a different rate and we have seen in BC some unique interpretations to the federal WHMIS legislation. Specifically BC has chosen to keep the 3 year rule on requiring updates on SDSs in section 5.14. This illustrates the importance of keeping up-to-date with your provincial regulatory body. ***Important: BC has reinstated the 3 year rule on updating SDSs
Summary of Changes “Controlled Products” will be called “Hazardous Products” Different and more hazard classes. Different classification criteria New supplier labels New pictograms New 16-section product safety data sheets (SDSs) Three year requirement to update SDSs shifted from supplier to employer Summary of Changes with the new WHMIS 2015 “Controlled Products” will be called “Hazardous Products” Different hazard classes and more of them. Different classification criteria New supplier labels New pictograms New 16-section product safety data sheets (SDSs) Three year rule to update SDSs shifting from supplier to employer.
Classification includes Physical Hazards and Health Hazards Hazard symbols called pictograms Employers should be aware that there are new hazard class names, for example, Class A – Compressed Gases will be known as Gases under Pressure There are new classification rules or criteria. There are a few new hazard classes, for example, Aspiration Hazard. These changes mean that the hazards of products may be described differently, and some products that were not previously classified may now be classified as hazardous. WHMIS 2015 has physical hazards and health hazards. A hazardous product may be classified as both a physical hazard and a health hazard. The environmental hazard class have not been adopted by Canada’s WHMIS legislation but may be listed on SDSs as it is required for other countries. Pictograms are graphic images with a distinctive red "square set on one of its points" border. Inside this border is a symbol that represents the potential hazard (e.g., fire, health hazard, corrosive, etc.). Together, the symbol and the border are referred to as a pictogram. Pictograms are assigned to specific hazard classes or categories. For every previous WHMIS symbol there is relevant WHMIS 2015 pictogram. Some categories now fall into more than one hazard class. Also of note the Biohazardous Infectious Materials hazard class (which is not a GHS health hazard class) has been retained in WHMIS 2015 in order to maintain worker protection.
Labels Changes to workplace labels will be the most visible change in workplaces. Chemical manufacturers and importers must provide a label these 6 sections. The sections include a product and supplier identifier, a signal word (danger or warning); WHMIS 2015 pictogram, a hazard statement and a precautionary statement for each hazard class and category.
SAFETY DATA SHEETS (SDS) What is new? SDS has 16 Sections Very structured order Hazard Statements Hazard Symbols Signal Words WHMIS 2015 will also require the use of newly designed Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), which will replace the current MSDSs. The SDS will have 16 sections, whereas WHMIS has 9. Much of the information for the SDS is already contained in the MSDS, but it is better organized and clearer. The SDS must also list the sections in a specified order, use signal words like “Danger” or “Warning”, GHS diamond symbol pictogram, and include hazard statement, and precautionary statement for each hazard class and category.
GHS is already here GHS was implemented in the USA. Worker training was to be completed by Dec 2013 and all MSDSs needed to be converted to SDSs by June 2015. With cross-border trade your worksites should be receiving products with the new Labels and SDSs. GHS has already been implemented in the USA. Worker training was to be completed by Dec 2013 and all MSDSs needed to be converted to SDSs by June 2015. With cross-border trade your workers are likely seeing Labels and SDSs already in the workplace because these are coming to your worksites.
End-User - How many SDSs do I have already? End-Users Can Find SDS Count Maybe now you are wondering if you have SDSs in your workplace? Did you know? In msdsBinders you can search for your SDS count by doing a general search of binders on the Find MSDS page. Any level of user can do this.
Administrators - How many SDSs do I have already? Function Client administrators, group coordinators and binder coordinators can search for the specific SDS sheets by going to the Admin tab and selecting Maintain Product Add-Ons. On the Product Add-ons page search for all the products in your corporate binder and select SDS only. Hit search and all the products will appear with an SDS. That is how you can find out how many SDSs you have in msdsBinders.
System Preferences Another feature that may help you during this transition period is to turn off the WHMIS symbols when your MSDSs are displayed. Administrators can turn-off the ability for WHMIS symbols to appear when an end-user searches for MSDSs. It changes the system preferences and the view in the search results when an end-user searches for an MSDS/SDS. Under Admin, select Advanced and select Maintain System Preferences. Your Chemscape account representative can help you understand these features.
Checklist for Employers Continue with WHMIS 1988 compliance. Start education and training about WHMIS 2015. Check msdsBinders for your SDS inventory. You may be receiving GHS-compliant labels and SDSs from suppliers in the USA. We have put together a checklist to help you get ready for the changes. 1. Workplaces should continue complying with WHMIS 1988 legislation. This includes training workers, providing labels and current MSDSs. 2. It may be beneficial to start some basic awareness education or training about the changes introduced by WHMIS 2015 sooner than later. 3. Check your SDS inventory in msdsBinders. Workplaces are already receiving imported hazardous products from suppliers in the USA with the new GHS-compliant labels and safety data sheets (SDSs). Although the use of the new SDS sheets is permitted, employers must ensure that workers are trained to understand the new labels, hazard pictograms and style of SDSs. 4. Workplaces should consider reviewing their inventory and minimize unnecessary chemicals in the workplace. msdsBinders can assist with many items on this checklist including training and help make the transition to WHMIS 2015 easier. Review overall chemical inventories and minimize unnecessary chemicals in the workplace.
Chemscape Can Help Safety in Transition: Moving from WHMIS to GHS is a WHMIS course authored by Chemscape under the guidance of an Industrial Hygienist who is certified with the American Board of Industrial Hygiene. Access to the course for users of the msdsBinders system is simple, just log in to register and start the course directly from the msdsBinders system. This course covers standard but also makes workers demonstrate the know how to find a SDS and answer 5 fundamental questions about the product including what are the hazards and how to work with it safely. Workers who successfully complete training are issued a certificate of completion and wallet card stating they are trained in WHMIS 1988 and WHMIS 2015. Contact us Toll Free at 1-855-720-6737 or by email sales@chemscape.com to learn more about Safety in Transition and getting your workers WHMIS 1988 and WHMIS 2015 certified.