How does your research reach an audience? discover Research Online Julia Gross Faculty Librarian Education and Arts
What happens to your research ? You many all be at different stages of your research journey This presentation is about what happens at the End of the research journey What happens to your research after you leave ECU, or after completion? You will have deposited an electronic thesis in the library You may have published journal article or book if your research is unpublished, how does it reach an audience? if it is published, How does it reach a greater audience, We would like to think that our work has relevance outside ECU Relevance to research community within our discipline, or relevance to the community at large Whatever your research, it is most likely what you are working on, or have completed will be of interest to others Your postgraduate, PHD or Masters research is important and unique Other researchers may be interested in your findings
Age of Print Used to be that published research would be found in hallowed halls of your institution’s library, maybe difficult for others to track down accessible in person or only inter library loan access to print If unpublished and just available as a dissertation , then was not widely distributed All that has changed Electronic access now …
Electronic access Electronic Online access is the norm now Electronic ways to store research But how do people find your research?
How do scholars find your research ? Your research can be discovered via online search of… Library catalogue Library databases Google Scholar How do other scholars find your research? If other scholars can find you on the Internet, your research will reach a wider audience. other scholars do this thru library catalogue search, can be tricky if they don’t know your name, or search via subject e.g. all dissertations in health at ECU Thru library database search, Thru Google Scholar If on Open Access they will find you…
Open Access Open access to publicly funded research Research funding bodies may demand this ECU open access policy Open access repository Movement towards Open access Moral argument that: Open access to publicly funded research should be mandatory Scholarly literature used to be locked away, no longer Now, more pressing to have open access Funders demand this now with digital content availability ECU Open Access Policy ECU Open access repository
Research - Closed vs Open Access Library journal databases [closed - subscription only] Institutional open access repositories [open - copy available to anyone] What is unique about Open access repositories ? Open access repositories entered the scene in last decade If you thesis not on open access how would it be found? If your journal article or conference paper available via subscription how would it be found ECU Open Access Policy Scholarly Communication debate: explain
Research Online RESEARCH ONLINE is an E-repository or Digital repository managed by ECU Library. The goal of the repository is to capture, preserve, and disseminate the intellectual capital of ECU researchers, and to make ECU research visible to the outside world via open access The repository was set up in 2008 initially to store and manage ECU published research outputs so they could be available to federal government for ERA Open access policy established repository launched officially for all researchers this week
Advantages for researchers For Individual researchers Promote and showcase your research Preserve your research online Library plays a custodian role here Direct others to one place to find your ECU research Research tagged and coded for Google optimization and inclusion in Google Scholar
Your footprint Source: One big advantage for researchers is increased visibility It’s all about being visible online and having a digital footprint Term “digital footprint” or “online footprint” now being used to describe your online identity If that footprint is showcasing your unique work as researcher, you will benefit As researcher is highly advantageous to have online visibility Career advantage to promote your work to others Source:
Advantages of Research Online For Individual researchers Promote and showcase your research Preserve your research online Direct others to one place to find your research Research tagged for Google optimization and inclusion in Google Scholar Also benefits For Wider community thru our commitment to open access Disseminate works beyond ECU Enhancing scholarly communication
Advantages of Research Online For ECU Promote and showcases ECU research output Store and organise research output Digital preservation for the long-term Provide access to funding bodies
Research Online (RO) – special features Top 10 downloads Paper of the day Recent additions Statistics Many features available thru the Digital Commons BPress software we are using Top 10 downloads Paper of the day STATS 1000 + papers in there 6,000 + downloads a year
Special features Conference management software Journal peer review and publication management for Editors of journals
RO stores multiple formats published works book chapters, conference papers journal articles, working papers variety of digital formats media, music, image dissertations Can cope with creative works such as music Streaming in the future
It’s not that difficult ! What do you need to do? Have a look at the website FAQ Academic staff Enter publications in RAS system as usual Or, you can self submit Research students Submit your thesis via repository
Where are we at now in ECU? Research Online launch August 2010 ERA in 2010 Beyond 2010….
Library RO contacts David Howard Christina Burnop Faculty librarians: Manager, Library Collections and Access Christina Burnop Librarian, Library Collections and Access Faculty librarians: Julia Gross (FEA) Ken Gasmier (SCA & WAAPA) Agnes Noronha (B&L) Lyn Leslie (CHS) Your participation is important for a growing, vibrant E-repository.
Now a demo of Research Online REFs
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