Polish, Turkish and Spanish questionnaire summary
In this final product of our association we present our conclusions after having an in- depth look at the answers given by the students in our three institutions to the questionnaire created for them with the intention to check our teaching and their learning methods. A number of 25 to 40 students filled the questionnaire in each institution. You can see the results in graphs followed by a written comment with the comparison of the results in the three schools.
The results show no significant differences in the three countries concerning questions 6, 7,8,and 9, with very similar numbers and all the options marked by an alike number of students in each country. Regarding the first questions, it seems the Turks prefer clearly more practical teaching methods using demonstrations, videos and films or the projector than the Polish or Spanish. The results in the three countries show that students are very confident with teachers using the blackboard in their explanations.
In the three counties, the students are used to private study, worksheets and regular tests and give those a great value when learning, but the answer is not so clear about essays. The results show the Turks and Spaniards do not fancy essays or writing papers. Opposed to Turkey and Poland, In Spain the students are not so used to experiments and investigation.
In this second group, the answers are very varied about the use of the library in the three countries. The method of self evaluation is well-considered in the three countries. Turks and Spanish like individual teaching more than Poles. Significantly, the results show big differences in the use of visits outside the school and visitors coming for conferences as teaching methods, which are much more used in Poland or Turkey than Spain.
The results are very similar in the three countries regarding the use of the internet for investigations, which is highly estimated, especially in Turkey. However, the communication with the teachers via is practically non-existing in any of the countries. Computer-aided learning is equally well- considered in the three countries. Reading textbooks is better considered in Poland than Spain or Turkey, as a learning method. According to these results, Spanish students are more used to following courses on line than Poles or Turks.
The results of the first three questions in this group show clearly the Spanish are less used to working in small groups than the Poles and Turkish. The Polish students are especially confident with this way of working and seem to like it. For sharing information on the web and group discussions using chat rooms, few or the students interviewed seemed to be familiar with these methods, especially in Spain and Turkey. About using games in the classroom for learning, the Poles and Turkish like the method more than Spanish who are less familiar with them.