SAT Words of the Day (WOTD)
All journal entries must be set up in the following way: Journal #___ Title: SAT WOTD Group 1 Date _____ Word (Part of Speech) (Pronunciation is optional) Definition Original Sentence
Copious (KOH pee us) adj. Abundant; plentiful Ms. Arcangelo keeps a copious coffee supply at her house so that she can get up in the morning. That history professor always gave copious notes in class.
Tenacious (teh NAY shus) adj. Tough; stubborn; not letting go Susan’s tenacious efforts to learn French won her the admiration of her teacher . The weeds in our lawn are so tenacious we can never get rid of them. (the noun form is tenacity.)
Surreptitious (sur ep TISH us) adj. Done or acting in a secret, sly manner Ray was surreptitious in his approach to the camp-ground so he was able to take everyone by surprise. When Brad Pitt walked into the restaurant wearing sunglasses and a hat, many patrons glanced surreptitiously towards him, trying to figure out if it was really him without staring!
Voracious (vo RAY shus) adj. An insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit; eager to consume great amounts of food Teenage boys tend to be voracious eaters. If you have ever witnessed a piranha feeding frenzy, it is easy to say that those little fish have voracious appetites.
Gregarious (gruh GAIR ee us) adj. Seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable Bernard’s gregarious nature made him an enjoyable person. Carol is not gregarious at all – at parties, she rarely talks to anyone.
Onerous (AHN ur us) adj. Troublesome or oppressive; burdensome After our car ran out of gas, we had the onerous task of pushing it two miles to the nearest gas station. The platoon was given the onerous duty of charging up a well-defended hill.
Officious (uh FISH us) adj. Ready to serve; eager in offering unwanted services or advice The officious waiter would not go away even when Sally told him that she only wanted coffee. Ralph’s officiousness was an attempt to make friends which usually backfired on him.
Scrupulous (SKROO pyu les) adj. Careful of small details; honest; conscientious Because his parents are such scrupulous people, Jim knew right from wrong even as a small boy. The scrupulous waiter followed a forgetful customer out of the restaurant in order to give her the purse she had left in her seat.
So, uh, my dog ate it? Spurious (SPYUUR ee us) adj. Not genuine; false The student gave a spurious excuse for why her homework was late (she didn’t even own a dog)! According to some viewers, Kanye West’s apology for his VMA outburst was sincere, but others thought it was spurious.
(ri-kal-si-truh nt) adj. Recalcitrant (ri-kal-si-truh nt) adj. resisting authority or control; not obedient or compliant In the management of recalcitrant children, spanking has mostly gone out of fashion. Yesterday at the “School Rules” assembly consequences for recalcitrant students were briefly mentioned.
Homework Due Thursday 9/3 Write one sentence for each SAT Word of the Day. In order to get credit for the sentence, the meaning of the word must be understood. Incorrect: I am gregarious. Correct: I am gregarious because I like to go to parties and socialize. Please write legibly and underline the SAT word in each sentence.