Latin 1 Mr. zboril | Milford PEP Chapter 2 Verbs, Vocabulary, and 1st Conjugation Mr. zboril | Milford PEP
Chapter 15 Third-Declension Adjectives Salvē Discipulī! Quid es? This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CCBY-NC-SA
Chapter 15 Third-Declension Adjectives You are important to me. Don’t ever think otherwise! This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CCBY-NC-SA
Chapter 15 Third-Declension Adjectives In Latin, there are two types of adejctives. These are known as 1st and 2nd Declension Adjectives AND 3rd-Declension Adjectives Chapter 7 Adjectives
Chapter 15 Third-Declension Adjectives Chapter 7 1st and 2nd Declension Adjectives Back in Chapter 7 we introduced adjectives. If you remember, for all of them, they listed a masculine, feminine, and neuter for each: bonus, bona, bonum: good masculine feminine neuter multus, multa, multum: many tūtus, tūta, tūtum: safe, protected masc. fem. neut Chapter 7 Adjectives
Chapter 15 Third-Declension Adjectives Adjectives modify a noun… puella pulchra beautiful girl magnum templum great temple agricola bonus good farmer What do you notice about the endings of the verb and noun? They agree with each other. Adjectives must agree with the noun it modifies in case, number, and gender. Chapter 7 Adjectives
Chapter 15 Third-Declension Adjectives agricola bonus good farmer Do you see how the adjective bonus agrees with agricola in case, number, and gender, but NOT in appearance? Why? agricola is a masculine noun, but takes the first declension endings. Chapter 7 Adjectives
Chapter 15 Third-Declension Adjectives Third-Declension Nouns are different than 1st & 2nd Declension Nouns Do you see how the adjective bonus agrees with agricola in case, number, and gender, but NOT in appearance? Why? agricola is a masculine noun, but takes the first declension endings. Chapter 7 Adjectives
Chapter 15 Third-Declension Adjectives 1st Group Case Masculine Feminine Neuter Singular Plural Nominative celer celerēs celere celeria Genitive celeris celerium Dative celerī celeribus Accusative celerem Ablative Chapter 7 Adjectives The first group has three endings for the nominative singular – one for each gender. You’ll note the endings are the same as the i-stem noun endings you learned in the last chapter. You’ll also note the masculine and feminine are identical except for the nominative singular.
Chapter 15 Third-Declension Adjectives 2nd Group Case Masculine & Feminine Neuter Singular Plural Nominative omnis omnēs omne omnia Genitive omnium Dative omnī omnibus Accusative omnem Ablative Chapter 7 Adjectives The second group has two forms for the nominative singular – one for the masculine and feminine and another for the neuter.
Chapter 15 Third-Declension Adjectives 3rd Group Case Masculine & Feminine Neuter Singular Plural Nominative ingēns ingentēs ingentia Genitive ingentis ingentium Dative ingentī ingentibus Accusative ingentem Ablative Chapter 7 Adjectives This group has only one form for the nominative singular.
Chapter 15 Third Declension Adjectives Any Questions? This Photo by Unknown Author is licnsed under CC BY-SA