on the Mount passage, Jesus builds on last week’s important topic In today’s Sermon on the Mount passage, Jesus builds on last week’s important topic of obeying “the heart of The Law” by analyzing probably the most famous of “The 10 Commandments”.
a “teaching template” that He will continue to rely on throughout Beginning in Matthew 5:21, Jesus starts to use a “teaching template” that He will continue to rely on throughout the Sermon on the Mount. “You have heard that it was said ______ , But I say to you ____.”
In Matthew 5: 21-22, Jesus begins His new teaching of trying to help His followers understand that our hearts and motives matter…just as much as our behaviors do. This command puts all of us on notice & should remove any pride or arrogance
5 of the 8 Beatitudes deal with Anger
In the Greek, there are 2 words for anger: 1.) Orge’ - Anger that builds and swells, often moving from bitterness to vengeance 2.) Thumos – Like fire on dry straw, anger that flares up fast…but then fades away * In Matthew 5:22, Jesus deals with the 1st kind of anger and then moves to the 2nd .
“Silent Hate” When we nurse our bitter grudges, rather than repent of and get rid of them, Jesus calls that being equal to ‘murdering someone in your heart’. We should take this fact seriously.
“Careless, Angry Words” When we choose to tear down someone with our words…calling them “raca” (foolish, empty-headed, good for nothing) or any other similar words, we are dishonoring a human being that has been made in the image of God.
* Fool = A Rebel from God that was worthy of death “Cursing in Anger” Although much deeper than we can get into today, the shocking idea behind the last part of verse 22 is that a Christian may get so upset with another believer and falsely accuse them before the church. * Fool = A Rebel from God that was worthy of death
Have you ever told someone: To drop dead? You wished they were dead? To go to Hell? It would’ve been better if they hadn’t been born?
If we would attempt to “curse” a brother or sister in Christ in this way, Jesus makes it clear that we would be playing a dangerous game with our eternal destiny. God is the only Judge and we are repeatedly called to love one another.
Romans 14: 10-12 10 “You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. 11 It is written: ‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’ 12 So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.”
Just as the Israelites had to eradicate the leaven from their homes prior to Passover, so we too are called to “get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice” so that we may rightly worship God.
Jesus concludes this section by showing the “common sense wisdom” of not letting grudges and feuds drag on and on… it just proves too costly, for ourselves (emotionally, spiritually, or otherwise).
“Fire Safety Tips” * Stop quarrels before they escalate * Drop the issue in your heart afterwards * Roll out of a hostile situation A.S.A.P. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Listen (not just think up a response) * Take some time to think before answering * Don’t jump straight to getting angry