Ye Olde Quest for Limited Government


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Presentation transcript:

Ye Olde Quest for Limited Government Magna Carta to the Glorious Revolution

People to meet – ltd. & unltd. Govt. King John Forced by nobles to signed Magna Carta in 1215. Magna Carta limits king’s power to tax, falsely accuse, etc. King Edward I Forms Parliament (British Congress) House of Commons House of Lords Queen Elizabeth I – Protestant, makes England Protestant again

People to Meet 2 Henry the Eighth – 2nd of the house of “Tudor” Liked to do away with wives and opened the 1st Waffle House in the greater London Metro area. Bloody Mary – Catholic wants to make England Catholic again, executes Protestants Queen Elizabeth I – Protestant, makes England Protestant again King James I – House of Stuart, absolute monarch, persecutes Puritans King Charles I – divine right, refuses Parliament’s Petition of Rights

People to meet 3 Oliver Cromwell – Puritan leader of Parliament, forms parliamentary army, wins ECW, establishes commonwealth Charles II – restores monarchy in England after Cromwell William of Orange – Dutch King, married to English royalty, Glorious Revolution Mary – daughter of James II, Glorious Revolution

People to Meet 4 Louis XIV – King of France, absolute ruler, “Sun King” Peter the Great: Russian czar, absolute ruler, tried to modernize Russia after Grand Embassy tour Catherine the Great: German princess, killed husband the czar, ruled Russia

English Civil War Cavaliers King Charles I divine right favors Catholicism Refuses to govern by Petition of Rights Passed by Parliament in 1628 no taxes w/o Parliament no troops in homes no prison w/o charges

English Civil War Continued II. Roundheads A. 1642 – Oliver Cromwell forms Parliamentary Army B. Cromwell wins C. sets up a commonwealth 1. Republic, representative govt a. it fails – D. ends in Martial Law (military rule)

English Civil war contd. III. “The Restoration” A. 1660 Parliament restores Monarchy to Charles II B. Charles dies C. brother James II is new king IV. Glorious Revolution A. Parliament goes behind James’ back and offers throne to James’ Protestant daughter Mary and her husband William of Orange 1. IF they sign English Bill of Rights – this is the GLORIOUS REVOLUTION B. 1689 W & M sign English Bill of Rights 1. rule as limited monarchs, and get their own college. V. ENGLAND NOW A LIMITED GOVT. ( on paper)