Ethnic Groups of Southwest Asia
ARABS Live in North Africa and Middle East… From Turkey to Yemen, Europe and America Religion: Sunni (85%) , Shia (10%) Customs & Language: Fusha or Local Dialect Women covered, and Men’s headcovering.
KURDS Live in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey, and Armenia Sunni & Shia Muslim Most are Sunni Customs: Extended Family live together in Family Compound, sharing Farming and Labor
JEWISH Live in Israel, Former Soviet Union & America Religion: Judaism Customs - Language: Hebrew, One God - holidays, Kosher Diet Fierce devotion to homeland
TURKS Live in Mongolia, Syria, Balkans, and Turkey Tribal People Religion: Converted to Islam, tolerant of Jews and Christians Customs: Trading Nation with a mix of Arab and Western Style
DRUZE Live in Lebanon, Israel, and Syria Religion: Interprets all 3 main religions, chosen faith, No ceremonies, No missionizing Customs: Arabic Language, Arab culture, sided with Israelis in war
ARMENIAN Live in Soviet Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and Iran Religion: Christian Customs: Contributed to the Alphabet, Music, Dance, Carpet Weaving, Food – Khorovats/BBQ
PERSIAN Live in Iran & west Afghanistan Religion: most are Shia Muslims Cultural Contribution: Language (Farsi), Art, Statues, Music, Architecture, Rugs, and Gardens
BERBER Live in Morocco to Egypt, Mali & Niger since 7AD/CE – conquered by the Arabs. Religion: Sunni and some pagan rituals Custom/Contribution: Language, Music, Flour Milling and Tool making from stone. Berber language has 300 dialects spoken but written language is seldom used
BEDOUIN Live in North Africa to the Sahara, Sinia, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia Religion: Mostly Sunni Customs: Tribal, Animal Herders, Contributions: Music and Folk Dance