Suva, February 2018 PC/Trade – A quick overview Stats NZ – IMTS workshop Suva, February 2018 PC/Trade – A quick overview Hi everyone,
Contents A brief look at the vision for PC/Trade Discussion differences between Customs vs Statistical offices using the system Overview of how PC/Trade captures and can produce trade statistics
NZ Herald – Nov 2017 Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says securing a free trade agreement with the European Union is "top of our agenda" - and much higher than getting a deal with Russia across the line. The European Union is our third-largest trading partner with a total of $20 billion in imports and exports each year, while two-way trade with Russia currently amounts to only $417 million.
Where data begins
Provided you keep good records, then the rest is simply adding it up and publishing it right? It’s not quite that simple in trade data. One of the things which is challenging about trade data is the ability to produce highly detailed outputs (subject to passive confidentiality).
Classifications Covers the three core classifications: Harmonised System (HS) Broad Economic Category (BEC) Standard International Trade classification (SITC)
The following are the pre built reports The following are the pre built reports. They are designed to be the pre-generated core trade statistics, trying to cover the majority of key requests for trade statistics. Most users that run these reports are then just copying the output into their excel outputs as part of their usual trade release.
Summary This has focussed on the systems element, the system is only one part of the puzzle. Good data management by both Customs and Statistics officers is essential Maintaining the relationship between your departments is essential Feedback loop is essential, the good and the bad…