US Army / Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Center COIN/SO/SFA Monthly Integration Meeting Date: 19 NOV 09 9-Nov-18.


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Presentation transcript:

US Army / Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Center COIN/SO/SFA Monthly Integration Meeting Date: 19 NOV 09 9-Nov-18

Agenda Purpose COINSOC Update COIN (Past/Future) Engagements Update 9-Nov-18 Agenda Purpose COINSOC Update Mr. Nate Pulliam (ISF SME) Ms. Carrie Giardino (Econ/Governance SME) COIN (Past/Future) Engagements Update COIN, SO, SFA COP Updates / Way Ahead Participant requirements for COIN/SO/SFA Director Comments COE

To update leaders on COIN education, training, and best practices 9-Nov-18 Purpose To update leaders on COIN education, training, and best practices Serve as a collaborative forum to synchronize Army Campaign Plan and TRADOC Campaign Plan Decision Point efforts relative to Stability Operations and Security Force Assistance

COINSOC Update Placeholder 9-Nov-18 COINSOC Update Placeholder

COIN/SO/SFA Engagements Oct 09 COIN Leaders Workshop JIIM Engagement (UK, Italy, NATO Def College, France) Bright Star Afghanistan coordination visit Interagency Symposium Modular Brigade Augmented for Security Force Assistance Pakistan COIN Conference (ARCENT) CALL Theater Observation Detachment briefings Nov 09 OMLT Training Poland SFA Campaign Plan Conf Human Terrain System Training Irregular Warfare Synchronization PKSOI Collaboration Monthly Community of Interest Conference Tactical Commander Development Program Coordination visits: Thailand, Singapore, Kazakhstan, Canada Institutionalize training capacity for Transition Teams and Provincial Reconstruction Teams Combating Terrorism Seminars Dec 2010

COIN COP Current Actions Way Ahead HTS Trg 18-19 Nov Integrate USAF mbr Maj Scud Curley into COIN Team Turkish Staff Talks prep TBC (1-10 Dec) 8 – 9 Dec Contemporary Insurgency Warfare Course USAF (Cannon AFB) (task combines, USAF Special Ops School req and Nellis AFB Req) (LCol Malevich) Webcast for 7Dec, Scott Moore NDU, “The Constructs of Conflict Resolution ” Develop Webcast for 17 Dec “The Insurgent’s Perspective” TBC Way Ahead Kazakhstan PfP COIN Conf March Develop concept for Next COIN Symposium “Afghanistan & COIN” Develop a relationship with COIN Advisory and Assist Team Afghanistan

SO COP Current Actions Way Ahead Establishing a Sharepoint web site for each command to track the AAPSO tasks Hosting webcast on Friday reference tools for Stability Ops Following up with those interested in using JADOCS for SO targeting Scheduling attendance for 3000.05 implementation working group 2 reps from CAC –SO to attend. PKSOI to host. Date TBD Providing input to UQ10 wrt SO Way Ahead Review of Leadership Training : SO related education courses being taught at Ft Leavenworth Creating objective graphic for tracking progress of AAP SO progress

SFA Current Projects SFA Way Ahead Provide input and oversight to WIKI production of SFA doctrine and TTP’s BCKS Forums on MITT and BCT’s TO’d for SO/SFA Awareness Survey; Assisting with SIPR WFF forum Work SFA STRATCOM Plan Establish open forum on BCKS for “one-stop” shopping for SFA related links, Best Practices (TTP’s), and BLOG forums. Provide direction and oversight to SFA POI’s for better flexibility and adaptability with 162nd ITB. Synchronize and integrate SFA across DOTMLPF to establish a Common Operating Picture Develop an SFA Campaign Plan for better refinement of existing and future resources; set dates and run SFA Campaign Conference @ FLKS Way Ahead

RFIs or requirements for COIN/SO/SFA RFIs or requirements for CFEs 9-Nov-18 Questions? RFIs or requirements for COIN/SO/SFA RFIs or requirements for CFEs Any other questions

9-Nov-18 Director Comments

Next DCO is scheduled for 28 JAN 10; 1000 CST 9-Nov-18 Next DCO Next DCO is scheduled for 28 JAN 10; 1000 CST