© The University of Edinburgh
Course Organiser: Anthea Coleman Chan International Foundation Programme Centre of Open Learning University of Edinburgh Course Organiser: Anthea Coleman Chan
English For Academic Purposes Living and Learning in Britain Course Outline 2016/17 English For Academic Purposes Living and Learning in Britain Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Social Science Philosophy Psychology Film Studies Art and Design Cultural Studies European Politics and Policies Reading English Literature Political Economy International Relations History Statistics Sustainability Art and Design
Academic Transitions Toolkit Structured Social and Peer Learning (SSPL) Social and peer interaction early on and throughout programme Reflection “Starting with the student” Values their unique experience and what they already know 09/11/2018 Anthony Elloway
Case Example Abby Shovlin (IAD) Dr Ellen Spaeth (IS) MyEd is a gateway to a wide range of University systems and information. You only need to remember one web site address for services such as eMail, e-Learning, grades, and more. Students will see MY STUDIES (not Teaching) and will access Learn from there.
Reflection on learning 1) What? (What was the incident) 2) So What? (Why was it so significant?) 3) What now? (What action might you take now? How might your thinking change?) MyEd is a gateway to a wide range of University systems and information. You only need to remember one web site address for services such as eMail, e-Learning, grades, and more. Students will see MY STUDIES (not Teaching) and will access Learn from there.
Reflection . MyEd is a gateway to a wide range of University systems and information. You only need to remember one web site address for services such as eMail, e-Learning, grades, and more. Students will see MY STUDIES (not Teaching) and will access Learn from there.
Peer Review Comments MyEd is a gateway to a wide range of University systems and information. You only need to remember one web site address for services such as eMail, e-Learning, grades, and more. Students will see MY STUDIES (not Teaching) and will access Learn from there.
Peer Review Comments MyEd is a gateway to a wide range of University systems and information. You only need to remember one web site address for services such as eMail, e-Learning, grades, and more. Students will see MY STUDIES (not Teaching) and will access Learn from there.
Peer assessed learning LLiB Student Seminar Working in pairs 50% Tutor, 40% Peer and 10% Self evaluated.
Academic Transitions Toolkit Structured Social and Peer Learning (SSPL) Social and peer interaction early on and throughout programme Reflection “Starting with the student” Values their unique experience and what they already know
References Black, P. & Wiliam, D. 1998. Assessment and classroom learning. Assessment in Education 5(1) pp. 7-71. Brookfield, S. 2005. Becoming a critically reflective teacher. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Moon, J. 2004. A handbook of reflective and experiential learning. Routledge Falmer: London
Credit for Entry and Transition to Degree Studies All students are part-time Many different experiences and expectations One common course – Transition to Degree Studies How can we best support such a diverse group of students, where each student is experiencing different transitions?
Introduced an online forum Redeveloped Transition to Degree Studies course so that it runs Sep- June, rather than only in the Spring session Introduced an online forum In small groups we asked students to engage with an online discussion board: Psychology of Learning Reflecting on your studies Using LearnBetter Making the most of feedback Essay preparation Exam preparation Referencing / good academic practice Presentations What did we learn………?
To what extent did students engage with online activities? Uneven: 5 tutor-led groups with 5 to 6 participants Posts: 16, 22, 60, 50, 49 Tutors’ contribution more or less the same More about group dynamic (chance factor)?
I am so glad to contribute to this lovely forum. Most successful groups engaged in informal conversation with each other I am so glad to contribute to this lovely forum. Afternoon to you all :) What a fine day! God, is it this time of the term again already? I have slowly started the main credit essay for Literature and I hope to improve my marks this time (well I kinda have too if I want to get into uni haha).
Sharing positivity Hi everyone in the new group and happy new year and also good luck for semester 2, I feel I have overcome quite a few things in the last semester, since it was my first time doing any sort of essay writing since I left the school, there was a lot to learn and a few things that I am proud of, using the library would be a major one now I can search for a book on the library computers and then locate it no problem which wasn't so easy the first few visits also the computer skills are improving every day. I can now read without distractions and am more focused well not always as this proves to be a difficult task when incorporated with life , I feel I am learning every day as of the rest of yous and every day is a new challenge but that's what life has and will always be like for everyone. I look forward to reading what everyone else has learned last semester.
…or not… I've not learned a lot last term in all honesty, though I think thats mostly due to me taking introductory classes on subjects i'm already quite familiar with. , I have no idea what to discuss nor do I think I have anything to contribute.This was another learning experience, rediscovering my social inadequacy.
What have we learnt? Most active groups: 60 posts: Tutor got more involved (Abby), even if the same 3 students tended to participate 50 posts: students in the same Literature course and knew each other from class Most popular topics: exams, good academic practice and feedback - ENCOURAGE THE SOCIAL INFORMAL APPROACH BY SETTING THE TONE (ABBY) - topics were overall of interest to students and can be kept for next academic year
Thank you! Anthea Coleman-Chan Course Organiser, IFP Anthea.Coleman-Chan@ed.ac.uk Rachael King Course Organiser, Short Courses Rachael.king@ed.ac.uk Martine Pierquin Martine.pierquin@ed.ac.uk