Review: Ours Is a Modern World Culture Rationalism (reality is disenchanted – explicable and purposive) Individualism (humans are individuated and activated, gods retreat) Universalism (reality is the same for everyone everywhere)
Road Map Economic Political Cultural Global Organizational Country Personal Evaluation Application
Cultural Globalization at the Organizational Level: Schooling Schools are main organizational carriers of Modern world culture Schooling is compulsory around world Schooling is standardized around world
Cultural Globalization at the Organizational Level: Schooling Schooling’s guiding premises are: Rationalized (it can be explained) Individualized (it can be explained to you) Universalized (the explanation pertains generally)
Cultural Globalization at the Organizational Level: Schooling They contain standardized visions of the universe: nature (natural sciences) culture (the humanities) society (the social sciences)
The Humanities in the University 1915-95
The Social Sciences in the University, 1915-95