Buildup to the Spanish American War Mr. Chojnacki US History II
Cuba Cuba was still a colony of Spain in the late 1800’s Group of Cubans seeking Independence revolt Funded by Cuban nationals in NY and Florida
Cuban Tactics Guerilla Warfare Burn Spanish crops and property Blow up RR’s Execute people loyal to Spain
Spain’s Response Led by General Weyler Reconcentration Policy: put everyone in cities Anyone outside cities would be shot Cities were unsanitary (200,000 dead by 1898)
Yellow Journalism Spanish atrocities hyped and sensationalized by U.S. Media Hearst and Pulitzer were most well known newspaper owners of the time
The De Lome Letter Written by Spanish Official Intercepted and published by Hearst Made fun of President McKinley Angered American Public May have been made up
Remember the Maine!!! U.S. needed a reason to invade Cuba Feb. 15, 1898 the USS Maine explodes in Havana Harbor (266 Dead) Yellow Press blames Spanish Terrorists Congress declares war w/ huge public support
Send in the Rough Riders!!!
Or Maybe These Guys