A Satellite Account for Research and Development for Denmark By Christian Gysting, Statistics Denmark
Structure of this presentation About the project Compilation of the R&D satellite account for Denmark, 1990-2003. Sources The method Results
The original plan: A joint project The original plan: A joint project between Statistics Denmark and The Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs Statistics Denmark: R&D Satellite Account for Denmark, 1990-2003. Report in Danish and in English The Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs: Micro and Macro productivity analysis.
Resources and time consume Ressources: 1 economist and 1 student assistent Time: The project was launch in january 2005 and completed in august 2006. Gathering of data: Purchase from The Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy
The R&D satellite account What is The Satellite Account for Research and Development? A national account system where R&D is treated as gross fixed capital formation. Adjusted GDP R&D investment with a break down on industries. All R&D expenditure is treated as GFCF.
The scope of the R&D satellite account Period: 1990 – 2002 (beginning of 2003). R&D GFCF estimated back to 1966 (PIM) Variables: adjusted national account system GDP Value Added, break down on industries. R&D Gross stock, break down on industries. R&D Net stock, break down on industries. R&D Consumption of fixed capital, break down on industries. R&D Gross fixed capital formation, break down on industries. Prices: All figures in current prices and constant 2000-prices.
Primary R&D statistics according to the Frascati Manuals definitions: Sources Primary R&D statistics according to the Frascati Manuals definitions: Data collected by The Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy Additional breakdown on industries: Statistics Denmarks statistics on empleyment by occupation (ISCO-88, International Standard Classification on Occupations)
Sources: R&D statistics Frascati Manual: International Manual on Measurement of Research and Development. OECD GERD – Gross domestic Expenditure on Research and Development Main aggregate in the Frascati Manual Estimated as the sum of wages, intermediate consumption and gross fixed capital formation Cost-based estimation of R&D-output
Alternative sources Alternative information about R&D in current NA: Purchased R&D: Sale of a service Import and export is part of the foreign trade statistics. Own account production: Unknown. The satellite account is mostly based on figures from The Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy
Compiling the R&D satellite account is a 3 step process: The Method (1) Compiling the R&D satellite account is a 3 step process: Estimation of R&D production and R&D gross fixed capital formation according to national account definitions (bridge table) Estimation of R&D capital stocks Adjustment of the present national account figures
The Method (2): Output estimated as the sum of costs No market prices of own account production of R&D Purchased R&D is included in total R&D-output
The Method (3): Simplification Freely available R&D is included in R&D investments No VAT, other taxes on products and trade margins on R&D-services Values at basic price equal to values at purchasers price for R&D services No lag between time of expenditure and time of investments No R&D is treated as intermediate consumption but as capital formation
Commodity flow table for R&D
The bridge table The bridge table: A link between primary R&D statistics and R&D output and R&D GFCF according to national account definitions.
[B]: GFCF included in GERD The sum of cost approach: We use consumption of fixed capital instead of gross fixed capital formation Identification of acquisition of buildings and equipment: Can be found in the R&D statistics.
[B]: Consumption of fixed capital Consumption of fixed capital is estimated as a mark-up on the sum of wage and salary costs and intermediate consumption at the level of industries. The mark-up rate is obtained from the general national accounts at industry level, where the consumption of fixed capital’s share of [compensation of employees and intermediate consumption] can be simply estimated.
R&D-expenditure (GERD) include some elements of R&D on software. [C]: Software (1) R&D-expenditure (GERD) include some elements of R&D on software. Double counting
Information from primary R&D statistics on purpose of R&D expenditure. [C]: Software (2) Information from primary R&D statistics on purpose of R&D expenditure. Question in R&R survey on type of product the R&D is related towards (2001). On of this products is hardware and software combined Special survey on ICT (2003). Break down on type of ICT. Software is identified Approximate 14-15 per cent of the expenditure is target at software development (in 2002)
[C]: Software (3)
[C]: Software (4)
[D]: Other taxes less subsidies on production Needed in a cost based estimation of output Information is available within the national account division
[E]: Return to capital (net operation surplus) ”Compensation” for the capital services provided by the capital stock estimated as a mark-up on wage and salary costs and current expenditure on the basis of the general ratio between net operating surplus and [compensation of employees as well as intermediate consumption] at industry level.
[G]: Trade of R&D-service Not all R&D output is own account production. Information (from primary statistics) on the amount spend on buying R&D-services is used to determine 2 factores: The amount spend on purchase of R&D services The buying industries Information (from primary statistics) on the purpose of the R&D-out is used to determine the selling industry For instance: R&D expenditure in the research and development industry (NACE 73) target on agriculture is assumed to be purchased by the agriculture industry (NACE 1)
Constant prices R&D-output in current prices is transformed into constant prices by deflating each input component. Compensation of employees: Weighting of 2 indices of earnings: 1) Trends in the compensation of employees per man-year for persons engaged in research and development activities, according to the R&D statistics from CFA (broken down by persons employed in the public and private sector and 2) Statistics Denmark’s general indices of earnings for the manufacturing industry and the government sector, respectively. Intermediate consumption: Implicit price indices from the national accounts for intermediate consumption at the level of industries. Consumption of fixed capital: Implicit price indices from the national accounts for consumption of fixed capital at the level of industries. Subsidies: The base year’s percentage rate for subsidies. Net operating surplus: The base year’s percentage rate for net operating surplus.
The brigde table
Step 2: R&D Capital stock PIM Service lives basic research: 13 years applied research: 11 years experimental development: 9 years Depreciation pattern: Straight-line Survival functional form: Winfrey S3
Results (1): Gross fixed capital formation, 2000.
Results (2): Net capital stock, 2003
Step 3: Adjustments to the current national account compilation The output and gross fixed capital formation in the private sector is increased by own account production of R&D in the private sector. The purchase of R&D by private sector companies is reclassified from intermediate consumption to gross fixed capital formation. The own account production of R&D by general government is reclassified from government consumption expenditure to gross fixed capital formation. The purchase of R&D by the general government sector is reclassified from government consumption expenditure to gross fixed capital formation. The output in the general government sector is increased by the new R&D consumption of fixed capital in the general government sector.
Step 3: Adjustments to the current national account compilation, impact on GDP
Results (1): Adjustments
Results (2): Size of adjustments on selected aggregates
Results (3): Saving ratio
Possible improvements Information on sale and purchase of R&D Break down of purchased R&D into intermediate consumption and GFCF Identification of freely available R&D Mark-up for capital services (CFC and return to capital)