P. Bala Kiran. I.A.S., District Collector & District Election Officer Best Electoral Practices Award 2014 Nomination for General Category Award Use of Technology P. Bala Kiran. I.A.S., District Collector & District Election Officer Kannur, Kerala
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur Introduction Most volatile and trouble some district in Kerala Politically hyper-sensitive – Clashes between the LDF and UDF Total 1600 Polling booths More than 1170 sensitive and critical PBs Problematic areas Lack of One-stop information web-portal Complaint redressal & PB details New polling stations & Information dissemination Bogus voting in critical booths To instill sense of security and ensure high voter turnout using SVEEP Counting – Strong room surveillance issues Quick results dissemination 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
Use of Technology – Various stages Pre-election 100% Online enrolment of voters through CSCs All in One Website SVEEP activities Election Day Webcasting of 173 polling booths Mobile based SOS alerts Counting Arrangements Hi-tech security arrangements Latest software for realtime results Information dissemination using LED Walls, LCD displays 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur Online Enrolment Camp & SVEEP at Remote Tribal Colonies 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
SVEEP at Railway Station 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
Citizen Interaction Web portal 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
District Election Web-portal A Citizen interactive web-portal of District Election Officer ( GIS Google maps based locations of 1606 Polling booths (using Lat-long) Google mapping and route details to the Polling booths All Polling booth and officials details Voter ID and Polling booth look up Online Citizen complaint registration & redressal Live Webcast of 173 polling booths on Poll day Live election results – Web & Android mobile app Website 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
M-election sms based services 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
Technology in m-Election Three different Mobile gateways MSDG (Mobile Service Delivery Gateway) esms.kerala.gov.in GSM based mobile gateway All Official communication through SMSs SMS Message service from DEO through above gateway to AROs, Sector officers, EROs and PROs All messages, randomization results, pre-poll arrangements SMS based Status reporting from Polling Stations to DEO Arrival, mock-poll, poll start, poll interrupted, poll end, hourly poll percentage, poll close 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur SMS: Poll monitoring System 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur SOS message on Poll Day SMS based SOS service for all Presiding Officers in case of emergency, poll related violence, booth capturing and other law and order incidents. Send “999” as SOS message For Emergency situations alerts can be send by PRO SOS SMS for PRO Note: Immediate alerts will be send to Sector Officer, Police patrol, DySP, Police Chief, ARO and RO Format: Send 999 to 9446401077 From the PRO’s Registered Mobile Number 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
Security deployment plan – use of live webcasting 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
Live Webcasting of Polling booths Security Scenario of sensitive Kannur district Highest number of Critical booths – 1170 critical and sensitive booths 5 Modes of Security deployment CAPF Manual Videography (501 PBs) Micro Observers Local police Live Webcasting (173 PBs) Identified 173 locations, the highest number in the state for the web casting purpose. Live Webcasting through a Novel method – Use of Common Service Centres 173 operators were thus mobilised from the district Akshaya Entrepreneurs. 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur Live Webcasting Control Room Setup: with participation of all stakeholders; Akshaya, BSNL, KSEB, Revenue, NIC, etc. 11 Watch-Terminals: On the pre-poll and poll days a Webcasting Control Room was set up with remote assistance to the polling station and continuous monitoring of the web casting. The control room had as many as one laptop for each technical expert with internet facility to represent 11 assembly constituencies in the district. Training: A 2 Phase training session Mobile Rapid action teams: were in place at Four Taluks consisting of Police and Sector officer teams Core Team: The DEO, DIO National Informatics Centre, District IT cell, Akshaya, BSNL, KSEB acted as administrative action team and monitored the proceedings . 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur Polling Booths 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur Webcasting Control Room @ Collectorate 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur View of Watch Terminal 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
Strong room security & Counting 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur Strong room Security Strong Room security Surveillance with Remote Management at 7 Strong Rooms 16 CCTV cameras 2 LED TVs with 9 camera display each 360o Rotating camera covering entire Strong rooms Live webcasting 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur Strong Room Surveillance System 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
Counting Day – Use of Technology Counting Centre Tabulation Sheet – 3 way tabulation Genesys entry TREND software entry Excel sheet entry Live Results dissemination State of the Art Media Centres at Counting Centres 3 LED TV displays Video LED Wall at Collectorate for Results Display for common public Live feed into the District website Live feed into the mobile Android app – “Kerala election Trend” Counting Centre Control Rooms 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur Counting Halls with ICT infrastructure 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur The techno savvy Media Centre 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur LED Video Wall for Results Display to Public @ Collectorate premises 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
Achievements & Conclusion 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur Achievements No Security/ Law and Order problems due to the systematic implementation of the Hi-tech security deployment plan. Smooth, fast and effective communication plan which made the entire election process a grand success The Political parties, General Public and the officials connected with General Election could easily access the Training materials, the details of Electoral roll and the Polling Stations. 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur Achievements The strong rooms security system was highly secured and trouble free Fast and efficient Counting Process, Result Declaration and Publicizing Kannur District webcasted poll day events from maximum number of Polling Stations(173) in Kerala State. At Least Cost of Operation 100% Reliable and break free operation People’s participation The state of the art ICT service were utilized for the successful execution of the entire election process 140 Model Polling Stations (One each per sector) – Re-inventing the poll experience at Kannur No Court Cases – No report of Bogus voting – Complete Transparency Highest Voter turn-out – 81.32% 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur Conclusion The effective use of Technology could ensure Transparency in the Election Process Smooth and Trouble Free Conduct of Election Fast and Efficient information & Data Transfer Prompt actions at the right time 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur Thank You P Bala Kiran. I.A.S., District Collector & District Election Officer, Kannur, Kerala. Ph: 94470 29015, 94969 22022, balakiran.ias@gmail.com 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur Annexures 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur The website: Locate your Polling Station 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur The website: Complaint Registration and Status 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur The website: Voter Status Query & Statistics 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur The website: Video clips in Malayalam 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur The website: Training, Schedules & Downloads 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur
P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur The website: Contacts 11/9/2018 P Bala Kiran. IAS, District Collector & DEO, Kannur