Industry Board Meeting Society of Petroleum Engineers Alex C. Lambros 2016-2017 TAMU SPE President College Station, TX September 9, 2016
New Initiatives Seeking new industry partners Mentorship program Soft skills focus Global outreach
175 Seniors seeking employment Career Enhancement Event Happening as we speak! Attendance of ~600 students 27 companies 175 Seniors seeking employment
Mentorship Program “Leave the ladder down” Paying it forward Mentors: Upperclassmen, graduate students Goals: Career/recruitment advice Academic support Professional development opportunity Cultivate leadership skills
Soft Skills Workshop Series Focuses on promoting soft skills essential for developing successful leaders: Gain the ability to communicate effectively and professionally in the workplace. Develop an understanding of work life balance, and how to maximize productivity while maintaining strong personal relationships Explore the many personality types as it relates to working on a team, and leading others Discuss the importance of maintaining your personal image as you progress through your career
Why Soft Skills? Results from 773 Oil & Gas professionals surveyed in 24 countries by BP & SPE
Global Outreach Bonfire remembrance project 150 patients/container/day 2016 Destinations: Dominican Republic Cambodia Moldova Bolivia Total cost per container: $25,000 TAMU-SPE Fundraising Goal: $5,000 TAMU-SPE will assist in construction
Industry Board Meeting Society of Petroleum Engineers Alex C. Lambros ‘17 2016-2017 TAMU SPE President