Lotus Connections drives a new way of Collaboration at a Global Electronics Manufacturer
Customer Information Global electronics manufacturer Develops and produces electronic devices and surrounding services worldwide Market leader with 40+% share 40,000 employees HR Finance Support Sales
Customer Challenges Increase productivity through supporting work efficiency Support innovation through effective knowledge sharing Increase user satisfaction with a 2nd generation, one vendor, leading edge, full function collaboration suite Need to reduce ongoing TCO for the whole workplace
Solution Participants New collaborative workplace lead by Lotus Connections services that are used by employees to share knowledge and get feedback from experts Superior functionality of Profiles kicked of a new project around the central phonebook application which results in a corporate white pages directory that allows employees to quickly find expertise in different markets and technologies
Business Value Better work efficiency resulting of consistent user experience Reduce the time and effort to find critical expertise in the global organization Customer expects a reliable 24/365 solution Lower TCO of future application development, governance and production