Luís Machado│ FORTE Summer School 22 – 26 August 2016 EBOT meeting Lyon, 28th May 2016 Luís Machado│
Created during EFORT 2005, Lisbon
National Representatives ExCom FORTE Committees + National Representatives All Members Voting Body 18 countries
National Representatives ExCom FORTE Committees + National Representatives All Members 9 40 EXECUTIVE BOARD 2015 President: João Vide (Portugal) Past-President: Gazi Huri (Turkey) Secretary General: N. Paschos (Greece) Treasurer: Luís Machado (Portugal) President Elect: T. Bonanzinga (Italy) EXECUTIVE BOARD 2014 President: Gazi Huri (Turkey) Vice-President: Nikolaos Paschos (Greece) Secretary General: G.Marcheggiani (Italy) Treasurer / Pres. Elect: João Vide (Portugal) BOARD MEMBERS/COMMITTEES Membership Committee Social Media & Communication Committee Congress Scientific Advisory Committe Finance Committee Constitutional and Bylaws Committee Educational and Fellowship Committee National Representatives BOARD MEMBERS Webmaster Educational Representative UEMS Representative Fellowship Representative EFORT Representative Since 1 and half year We have updated bylaws and constituion, we have been growing in number of representatives and countries We managed to engage a lot of people by working with the committees and by having FORTE represented in national societies meetings, ESSKA, EFFORT, etc..
SUMMER SCHOOL… Background FORTE Summer School, August 2016 It all started because we do have to study and prepare ourselves for annual and final exams. Indeed with the raising awareness with the EBOT Exam we felt there was the need of having some kind of structured preparation forthis exam. SUMMER SCHOOL… FORTE Summer School, August 2016
+ 30h course last week August Internacional Faculty General Comprehensive Review Course Exam Preparation Course 5 modules + 30h course last week August Internacional Faculty Social Activities
EURO SPINE Basic Science Spine Upper Limb Lower Limb Children Tumors How will we do it? Cover all areas of Ortho Surgery Working closely with european societies to ensure we have the best programme and faculty Como o vamos fazer? E.M.S.O.S.
Location FORTE Summer School, August 2016 Faro, it is nice in August, plenty of accomodation Portugal is still a cheap country to visit for the others in Europe Faro has a University so we thought about using the university accomodation for the “students” Direct low cost flights to many destinations FORTE Summer School, August 2016
Venue FORTE Summer School, August 2016
Venue FORTE Summer School, August 2016
Venue FORTE Summer School, August 2016
The Event FORTE Summer School, August 2016
Current status FORTE Summer School, August 2016
Faculty…. KEY FOR SUCCESS! This is the key for success Faculty is everything in theses events and we have it very good ones! KEY FOR SUCCESS!
Final Considerations Development of satellite educational material FORTE Book Series Development of extension course e.g. – BAT EFORT/EPOS Program for Children Module Summer School is the first of its kind Fill a specific & important gap in education Desired course with a enthusiastic format Capitalize on future gains Gives sense to an European Educational Project Brings Nat & Specialty Societies together European Educational Project which is what we all pursue, especially since EBOT exam is on the move! FORTE Summer School, August 2016
Federation of Orthopaedic and Trauma Trainees in Europe FORTE Federation of Orthopaedic and Trauma Trainees in Europe President João Vide President Elect Tommaso Bonanzinga Secretary General Nikolaos Paschos Treasurer Luís Machado Immediate Past President Gazi Huri forte.orthopaedics Forteortho