McGraw-Hill Connect® 8/23/2016 Acnt 2333 CRN 16033 Houston Community College-Donald R. Bond, CPA Acnt 2333 CRN 16033
Earn a Better Grade in this Course Using McGraw-Hill Education digital products to improve your performance. The specific resources available for this course and how they will help you to improve your grade. Where to purchase your course materials.
Improved Performance with Connect Students who use Connect are more successful in the course and receive higher grades than their peers not using Connect.
The Results: YOU learn more efficiently YOU get the help you need, when you need it YOU learn more, and earn higher grades
Go All Digital with Connect The Best Value and Experience Part of your grade: Your instructor is requiring Connect for this course. Portable: Access all of the required online assignments, an eBook, and study resources from any computer. Price: Connect is typically HALF the price of the printed textbook.
McGraw-Hill Mobile Options Access Connect Classic via your browser on your Mac or PC. Visit your instructor’s unique section URL to get started. Access your SmartBook and LearnSmart assignments on the go, even when you’re offline, with the SmartBook app*. *Available for both iOS and Android mobile devices.
Course Materials Go All-Digital with Connect Add-on Looseleaf Print Option 1: Go All-Digital with Connect Option 2: Add-on Looseleaf Print For this course we will be using McGraw-Hill Connect. Connect includes everything you need for this course, including [SmartBook/the eBook]. You are not required to have a print text. See instructors' URL for this class. If you want a print companion at any point during the semester, a low cost print upgrade option is available via Connect. The looseleaf add-on is: Full color Binder-ready Shipped directly to you Only [$40.00]
How to: Add-on Looseleaf print Look for the looseleaf upgrade option in these three locations: Section home page (pictured) Library tab Within the eBook
Course Materials, contd. Option 3: Connect + Looseleaf package Option 4: Connect + Looseleaf package If you would like a print version of the text, the bookstore is carrying a bundle that includes a full color, binder-ready loose-leaf version of the text and a printed Connect access code. + You can purchase direct from McGraw-Hill a bundle that includes a full color, binder-ready loose-leaf version of the text and a printed Connect access code.
Get Started in 4 Easy Steps: Go the web address provided by your Instructor and click Register Now. Enter your email address. Enter your access code, or select “Buy Online.” You may also “Start courtesy access” if you don’t have an access code. Complete the registration form and click Submit.
Need Help? Tech Support: Training & Tutorials: Call: (800) 331-5094 Email & Chat: Monday - Thursday ● 7 AM - 3 AM Friday ● 7 AM - 8 PM Saturday ● 9 AM - 7 PM Sunday ● 11 AM – 1 AM (All times Central) Training & Tutorials: Our goal is to provide you with the service you need to get the most out of Connect. Our customer support is here to assist you with any technical issues you might be having. If you’re having trouble with anything – accessing a page, submitting an assignment, etc. -- use these resources before going to your professor. We have many people dedicated to helping you with all things technical. Keep the cards/stickers we passed out somewhere you can’t lose them, and use these resources whenever you need. has a new chat functionality; You can browse through connect student success for anything else you might need; FAQs, etc. NOTE: If you contact your instructor with a technical question, you will be asked to provide a case number from tech support before your concern is escalated.