What’s Residing in and on Your Body? Probiotics, the Good, Bad and Ugly By Joanne Walker HW499 Unit 4 Assignment
Overview What are Probiotics Why are Probiotics Needed Parts of the body where bacteria resides Benefits of probiotics Where can probiotics be found? Pros & Cons of Probiotics How to choose Reliable sources Summary
What are probiotics? Probiotics are defined as organisms that promote life Health issues Microbes Bacteria According to (#2), “Probiotics are defined as organisms that promote life (Fidler, 2017). Willyard believes that the health issues that come along with old age have to do with the bacteria that is in the colon (Willyard, 2018). He states that bad microbes could be replaced with the good ones and the age process would be slowed as a result (Willyard, 2017). Bacteria that is living on and in our bodies can drastically influence our health (Willyard, 2018).
Why are probiotics needed? Disruption of flora Overgrowth undergrowth Probiotics could be needed for many reasons. The main reason is because there was a disruption of flora in a specific body part. When there is a disruption in the gut flora it could be caused by antibiotics usage or prolonged stress. This then causes the inability of minerals and digestion products to be absorbed optimally (Fidler, 2017).
What common parts of the body does this bacteria reside? Intestines urinary tract lungs liver skin mouth vagina to name a few! Some of the common places where bacteria reside are in the intestines, urinary tract, lungs,, liver, skin, mouth and the vagina to name a few (Fidler, 2017) Most of these bacteria are perfectly normal to have when one is healthy, however if something goes wrong and for whatever reason the numbers are increased outside the norm all sorts of havoc can take place (Fidler, 2017)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Vaginal Health Diarrhea Bone Density Weight Cancer Immune system Thyroid Mood Embryo health Probiotics are said to have positive influences on the above mentioned (Willard 2018 and Fidler 2017). Whether it is increasing, decreasing or balancing out certain bacteria growth they can help alleviate symptoms that come along with certain ailments (Willyard, 2018).
Where can probiotics be found? Food Supplements Feces (not to be ingested of course) Probiotics can been found in different types of foods, yogurt being one of them, in addition you can purchase supplements in pill form that contain them as well. There is also something called a fecal transfer where feces of a person with health intestinal flora can be transferred to one with an unhealthy intestinal flora in order improve the intestinal flora of the unhealthy individual (Willyard, 2018).
Pros and Cons of Probiotics Like anything, there are positive and negative effects, if the wrong probiotic is taken it could cause these bacteria to go crazy in your body and make the ailment worse or cause new ones. In addition probiotics found in food sources are not known to cause any positive effects as the bacteria is eliminated prior to being replicated (Willyard, 2018). Also, probiotics found in pill/supplement form could be provided you with incorrect ingredients/information as they do not have to be checked like other drugs (Willyard, 2018).
How to choose? It is very important that you consult your doctor before taking probiotics . An intensive case history would need to be done so they can help determine which ones would be beneficial and not harmful to you and your situation (Fidler, 2017).
Reliable probiotic sources your physician www.Webmd.com https://nccih.nih.gov/health/probiotics/introduction.htm www.pubmed.gov The sources listed above can a lot of great information to include articles on probiotics. Of course make sure you seek your physician first before trying any new type of treatment.
References Fidler, S. (2017, March 1). That Gut Feeling: Choosing the Correct Probiotic for Clients in the Herbal Clinic. Retrieved February 24, 2018, from https://eds-b-ebscohost- com.lib.kaplan.edu/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=4&sid=931b95d4-b7a2- 4ecc-8c4c-3c6f0d6c897e%40sessionmgr120 Willyard, C. (2018). Better Living Through Bacteria. Retrieved February 25, 2018, from https://eds-a-ebscohost- com.lib.kaplan.edu/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=2&sid=6cd5c2b1-e55b- 46d2-bfd6-63c14af0531e%40sessionmgr4006