FP3-GLDC Group work FP3-Group


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Presentation transcript:

FP3-GLDC Group work FP3-Group CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes and Dryland Cereals (GLDC)

Overall comments Overlaps identified between the CoAs Strategies for FP3 implementation: Co-locate with other CRPS and regional and national programs Align with national priorities Up- and out-scaling: Innovation platforms. Build on existing in CORAF, with FARA. We don’t create new things where there are structures in place. Rely heavily of the national systems, they have made commitments. Also work with NGOs Suggestion to Rearrange the order of the clusters starting from the field level Rhizobia is missing all through GLDC – only biological N2-fixation mentioned: Rhizobia and the need to include inoculum (based on results from N2Africa). The breeders (FP4-5) need to consider rhizobium

Revisited the CoAs and changed the logic

CoA1 - Research questions (a) How do agroecology, enabling conditions, market opportunities and farming systems determine options for natural resource management that will result in more resilient, profitable and nutritiously secure livelihoods? (b) What patterns of land use optimize productivity while conserving natural resources? (c) Which low-cost farm-mechanization options improve productivity, labour use efficiency and reduce drudgery, particularly for women and youth? (d) What modalities can be used to promote adoption of research outputs, including the role of the private sector, rural entrepreneurs, farmers’ organizations and policymakers, and how can this be scaled out? Wat are the incentives to conserve, store and utilize rainwater for sustainable intensification. What are the tradeoffs of growing legumes for food versus feed at farm/household levels What combinations of crops, livestock and trees for balanced diets?

CoA 3.1 Cropping systems management Planned topic of study Geographic scope Relevant to Sub-IDO, or SRF target if appropriate Comments CoA 3.1 Cropping systems management Integrating new drought tolerant soybean and cowpea genotypes to intercropping and rotation systems across agro-ecologies (GxExM) Mozambique 1. Increased resilence of the poor to climate change and other shocks; 2. Increased productivity; 3. Sustainably managed agro-ecosystems Led by Steve Boahen (IITA) and Divage Belarmino (IIAM) Develop decision support tools to evaluate performance of legume technologies across a range of agro-ecologies Nigeria Increased productivity Led by Alpha Kamara (IITA) Participatory on-farm evaluation of soybean and cowpea response to Bradyrhizobium inoculation and P Mozambique and Nigeria 1. Increased productivity; 2. Sustainably managed agro-ecosystems Led by Steve Boahen (IITA/N2Africa) and Divage (IIAM) [Moz] Led by Alpha Kamara/Nkeki Kamai (IITA/N2Africa –Nigeria) Farm level evaluation of cowpea and soybean diseases: severity, prevelence and management 1. Closed yield gaps through improved agronomic practices; 2. Increased productivity Led by Joao Augusto (IITA) and Henrique Colial (IIAM)

CoA 3.2 Innovations for managing abiotic and biotic stresses Planned topic of study Geographic scope Relevant to Sub-IDO, or SRF target if appropriate Comments CoA 3.2 Innovations for managing abiotic and biotic stresses Experimental releases of two exotic parasitoids of the legume pod borer in Ghana Ghana 1. Increased productivity; 2. Sustainably managed agro-ecosystems Manuele Tamò Elucidation of male aggregation pheromones attracting the egg parasitoid Gryon fulviventre Benin, Kenya Assessing the potential of the parasitoid Therophilus javanus, through olfactometric and behavioral studies Benin Evaluating symbiotic effectivesness of indigenous Bradyrhizobium strains isolated from Mozambican soils Mozambique Amaral Chibeba (IITA/N2frica)

CoA3: Testing, adapting and validating options Sub-IDOs Milestones for 2018 Means of verification Improved capacity of women and young people to participate in decision-making Current crop-livestock production and marketing systems Characterized for selected locations in Niger/Burkina using past studies, existing survey data and gap fill through additional FGDs with the stakeholders Characterization ready to be used to parameterization of the models Enhanced capacity to deal with climate extremes Parameterized the whole farm models to simulate farm productivity (crop and forage yields), household bio-economics (cash flow) for Niger/Burkina A report/minutes stakeholders meeting Reduced pre- and -post production losses, including those caused by climate change The household bio-economic whole farm model parameterized and deployed successfully for at least one location in semiarid south India A report/paper Increased value capture by producers Tradeoffs/synergies and potential of different interventions for scaling up climate smart agriculture analyzed in selected region in India Diversified enterprise opportunities Baskets of AEI options identified for different farm types, gender groups, agro-ecological and socio-economic contexts considering the integrated whole farm approach (Mali) Report/ minutes stakeholders meeting Increased livelihood opportunities Modelling tools developed at field, herd and farm level, integrated in the whole farm framework (Mali)

Creating synergies across mapped projects through overarching activities across regions The use of component and whole-system models as decision support- Different models (e.g. IAT, FarmSim, FarmDesign,…) are compared. The value chain modelling from household and beyond to identify entry points for strengthening value chains across regions (linked to FP2) Analytics, interpretation of science outputs from the existing projects (e.g. Africa Rising,..)- Spatial, temporal, biophysical, socio-economic, markets, climate change Using modern tools- HH, crop, animal, value chain modelling Identify criteria and indicators for analyzing sustainability that could be applicable across the farming systems in the regions. Finding common and region-specific indicators, and then quantifying them for a set of GLDC-specific options Holistic and multi-sectoral assessment of plausible futures to reduce rural poverty (Across regions) An inventory of communication and participatory research approaches with stakeholders. We could start from the ongoing projects, but also look wider in the literature for a broader review of approaches. A simplified application (mobile app) using systems integrated modeling tools as decision support for extension actors

Regional programs and other partners WAAPP CCARDESA SLU: WAAPP WUR: AFSA?

Merci de votre attention Demand-driven Innovation for the Drylands In partnership with CGIAR Centers, public and private organizations, governments, and farmers worldwide www.gldc.cgiar.org Merci de votre attention