METRICS FROM A SUPPORT SERVICES PERSPECTIVE Matthew Maderos Associate Director of Client Services Boston University Medical Campus June 11, 2018
Welcome & Introductions Introductions – Presenters Matt Maderos, Associate Director, Client Services, BU Medical Campus IT Dave Gannon Director of Campus Technology Services (CTS) at Bryant College
9:00am - 9:30am Introductions of attendees Metrics from the Service Desk Agenda 9:00am - 9:30am Introductions of attendees 9:30am – 1045am BUMC IT Metrics Overview Speaker: Matthew Maderos, Associate Director of Client Services, Boston University . 10:45am – 11am Break 11am - 12:00pm Leveraging Metrics for Continuous Support Improvement Speaker: David Gannon, Director, Campus Technology Services, Bryant University 12:00pm - 1:00pm Lunch 1:00pm – 2:15pm Reverse Round Table Participants all share that they are using. Or Bring your “wish metric” and see if the group can create one for you! 2:15pm - 2:30pm Break 2:30pm - 3:30pm Wrap up and Open Discussion on Metrics
Welcome & Introductions Introductions – Attendees Name Title School Summer vacation plan/how far did you travel? Experience with Metrics and key Metric that you use, wish metric? Hopes for today’s workshop Linda & Matt
Medical Campus A little about me and where I work, I’ve been at BUMC IT since 2012 I’m Dir of Client Services Service Desk and Technicians are under me 10 F/T staff and 4 student workers
Boston University Medical Campus Private research university Founded in 1848 With over 3,000 undergraduate and graduate students from more than 130 countries, nearly 2,500 faculty and staff, Located near the South End of Boston Part of the B
BUMC Overview Average about 800 tickets a month ServiceNow is Service Management System Push for all IT Departments to use ServiceNow Consistency, better metrics, ITIL based Focus supporting Faculty and Staff of the BU Medical Campus- 75% Windows (Lenovo) and 25% Mac Student Support is handled by our Medical Alumni Library Our new CIO and Dir of BUMC IT is focused on Metrics so has directed us to look closely at our metrics and data we get.
In everyday life measurement is an essential component Why Metrics matter In everyday life measurement is an essential component How many? How far? What’s the Cost? What’s the time? Even today I’m sure we used some form of data to check traffic? Metrics Educause Now Legiah Lang important to not make snap decesions basedon metrics key is to ask more questions about metrics
Example where metrics are used in everyday life! BASEBALL – Money Ball Billy Bean
Take a look at how depth metrics are being used Take a look at how depth metrics are being used. So why not use this in our areas?
INFORMATION OVERLOAD! So much Data, & information how do we FILTER what we need?
How Does BUMC IT Use Metrics Using ServiceNow reports Published for community Used at annual IT meetings Used in meetings with Directors Metrics for BUMC IT Applications, Systems, and Client Services
Our public metric web page (yes we have more that is private just to be shared between management)
Public metrics UNDER Client Services Metrics
Network up time
Some examples of Metrics that are being pulled Some examples of Metrics that are being pulled weekly Survey Emailed to Directors tsdts_task tsdresp_question tsdresp_response tsdresp_answer tsdinst_sys_created_by tsdinst_sys_created_on INC12439734 How satisfied are you with the courtesy of the analysts? 1 guest 2018-06-06 07:55:38 EDT How satisfied are you with the resolution of your incident or request? How satisfied are you with the timeliness of the response? How satisfied are you with the technical skills and knowledge of the analysts? INC12438972 2018-06-04 14:39:20 EDT INC12440688 2018-06-05 11:53:08 EDT One example of how we use metrics to measure Customer Support is our S Survey via ServiceNow. Sent to me weekly I look and answer ANY results that are 3 and 4 (poor service)
Good Metric that Shows PC Growth This is a great metric I use to lobby for new new hires. This breaks down the number of KNOWN asset Controlled Computers in KACE. Over time, REMEMBER to remove all surplus equipment!!
Why Metrics Matter
TechQual+ 4 sections Respondents rate Service Level, 9 point scale Connectivity & Access Technology & Collaboration Services Support & Training Other Services Respondents rate Service Level, 9 point scale Minimum Desired Perceived Major survey sent out to ALL BU Faculty and Staff and students.
2017 - All Overall, we were not meeting minimum expectations overall with regard to Wireless (3) and Information Systems (9), but were meeting them in the other areas, with the exception of a new pair of questions we asked (28 and 29) with regard to computing security.
2017 - Staff Staff perceived service level fell below minimums in areas of: Wireless (3) Web/online services (5) Classroom technology (8) Assessment (17) Research support (18) Central system perceived security (19) Finance/HR systems (20) Learning Mgmt systems (23) Student info systems/advising (26)
2017 - Faculty Satisfaction with technology services remains lowest among faculty. Wireless (3) Web/online services (5) Classroom technology (8) Timely resolution to problems (11) Support for personal computing security (15) Adequate disk and document storage (16) Assessment (17) Research support (18) Central system perceived security (19) Finance/HR systems (20) Learning Mgmt systems (23) Library Resources (25) Student info systems/advising (26)
Open-Ended Questions Please describe the best experience you have had with BU technology services. Use word smith to create some great graphs of common words in feedback
Open-Ended Questions Please describe the worst experience you have had with BU technology services.
Once again metrics are what you make of them, and pull Once again metrics are what you make of them, and pull! Just remember to keep asking Management what are you all looking for?
Thank you