Jean Brown Superintendent, Local District 1 September 2007 Leadership in the Use and Analysis of Student Data 2007-2008 Jean Brown Superintendent, Local District 1 September 2007
Theory of Action Curriculum and Instruction Professional Development Coaching Use of Periodic Assessment Data Teacher Collaboration Administrative Leadership Personalization
2005 – 2006 Understanding Systems for Continuous Improvement
2006 - 2007 Leadership in the Development and Delivery of High-Quality Professional Development
2007 – 2008 Leadership in the Use and Analysis of Student Data
Attendance Data
Local District 1 Attendance Data 2005 2006 Change Elementary 95.42 95.93 +0.51 Middle 94.52 95.43 +0.91 High 91.13 92.56 +1.43 Continuation 97.61 97.54 -0.07
Reclassification Data
Percentage of English Learners Reclassified to English Proficient K-12 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 District 1 2.6% 4.6% 7.7% 11% 14.9% LAUSD 2.1% 4.2% 9.5% 13.6% Elementary 3% 4% 5.5% 9% 13.2% 2.4% 4.5% 6.5% 8.6% 13.3% Middle School 2% 7.6% 16.7% 22.4% 5.6% 15.8% 18.1% Senior High 1.6% 3.6% 9.3% 11.4% 12.7% 1.7% 2.8% 6.9% 9.7%
AYP and API AYP measures students moving from basic, below basic, and far below basic to proficient and advanced performance levels. API measures student movement between all performance levels. The greatest growth occurs as students move from far below basic to below basic and from below basic to basic.
API Data
Elementary School API 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 STATE 629 674 691 699 729 731 750 758 766 LAUSD 489 537 592 643 682 692 707 718 LD 1 601 675 720 760 802 807 805
Middle School API 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 STATE 631 656 669 666 686 697 714 722 727 LAUSD 491 516 526 555 589 609 620 634 LD 1 624 633 664 700 709 721 735 738
High School API 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 STATE 620 638 636 631 662 680 693 702 LAUSD 518 546 549 561 599 607 622 602 616 LD 1 573 619 644 689 692 703
Elementary Schools With the Greatest API Gains in 2007 Napa +70 Canoga Park +30 Plummer +64 Lassen +30 Newcastle +48 Rosa Parks +29 Sunny Brae +39 Ranchito +27 Noble +37 Blythe +25 Chatsworth Park +36 Beckford +24 Van Gogh +33 Granada +22 Bertrand +32 Haynes +22 Langdon +31 Gledhill +21 Dearborn +30
Secondary Schools With the Greatest API Gains in 2007 Reseda HS +35 Vista MS +21 Chatsworth HS +17 Kennedy HS +17 Sherman Oaks CES +16 El Camino HS +11 Taft HS +9 Lawrence MS +8 Cleveland HS +7
Small Schools With Great API Gains in 2007 Addams +114 Kirk Douglas +108 Cal Burke +45 Zane Grey +36 Lull Sp Ed Center +182 Leichman HS +150 Miller HS +143 West Valley Sp Ed Center +89
Elementary Schools With an API of 800-899 Pomelo 896 Nestle 878 El Oro 876 Serrania 874 Superior 871 Vintage 862 Topeka 861 Hamlin 860 Calabash 855 Justice 853 Woodlake 851 Haynes 849 Lockhurst 848 Darby 846 Knollwood 842 Encino 842 Andasol 839 Stagg 839
Elementary Schools With an API of 800-899 Dearborn 837 Lemay 836 Calahan 832 Lorne 830 Emelita 828 Danube 827 Germain 827 Tarzana 819 Tulsa 818 San Jose 815 Mayall 806 Haskell 804 Granada 800
Secondary Schools with an API Score of 800-899 Sherman Oaks CES 845 Noble Middle 837 High Tech High 819
Elementary Schools With an API Over 900 Balboa Magnet 982 Woodland Hills 958 Welby Way 921 Lanai Road 920 Castlebay Lane 917 Beckford 911 Wilbur 911 Van Gogh 900
The following schools made AYP and are on “HOLD” Bertrand Elementary Napa Elementary Noble Elementary Plummer Elementary Primary Academy for Success Winnetka Elementary
West Valley Sp. Ed. Center The Following Schools Made AYP and Have EXITED Program Improvement Status Anatola Elementary Birmingham HS Taft HS West Valley Sp. Ed. Center
CST Data
Local District 1 CST Percentage of Students Scoring Proficient/Advanced ELEMENTARY ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS, 2003-2007
Local District 1 CST Percentage of Students Scoring Proficient/Advanced, MIDDLE SCHOOL ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS, 2003-2007
Local District 1 CST Percentage of Students Scoring Proficient/Advanced, HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS, 2003-2007
Local District 1 California Standards Test Percentage of Students Scoring Proficient/Advanced, 2003-2007 Local District 1 LAUSD Subject CST Percent Proficient or Advanced Change in Percentage 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 06-07 03-07 Engish/ Language Arts Grade 2 40 48 51 54 3 14 4 Grade 3 36 31 34 39 1 5 Grade 4 41 53 2 12 Grade 5 38 42 44 43 46 8 7 Grade 6 37 35 -1 Grade 7 45 10 Grade 8 30 33 -2 Grade 9 9 6 Grade 10 Grade 11
Local District 1 CST Percentage of Students Scoring Proficient/Advanced, ELEMENTARY MATH, 2003-2007
Local District 1 CST Percentage of Students Scoring Proficient/Advanced, MIDDLE SCHOOL MATH, 2003-2007
Local District 1 CST Percentage of Students Scoring Proficient/Advanced, HIGH SCHOOL MATH, 2003-2007
Local District 1 California Standards Test Percentage of Students Scoring Proficient/Advanced, 2003-2007 Local District 1 LAUSD Subject CST Percent Proficient or Advanced Change in Percentage Change in Percentage 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 06-07 03-07 Math Grade 2 53 58 59 63 64 1 11 9 Grade 3 52 54 62 12 3 15 Grade 4 56 60 61 5 10 Grade 5 45 47 55 13 Grade 6 32 37 39 40 -3 -1 8 Grade 7 30 33 36 6 -2 7 General Math 16 20 23 18 -5 2 Algebra 1 25 19 27 4 Geometry 26 Algebra 2 31 28 -4 HS Sum. 51 48
Local District 1 California Standards Test Percentage of Students Scoring Proficient/Advanced, 2003-2007 Local District 1 LAUSD Subject CST Percent Proficient or Advanced Change in Percentage Change in Percentage 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 06-07 03-07 Science Grade 5 - 26 32 35 42 7 6 Grade 8 40 2 5 Grade 10 30 1 ICS 1 4 10 3 Biology 33 27 -1 Chemistry 31 28 17 22 -9 -5 Physics 39 38 29 25 -2 -7 Earth Sci. 19 23 21 11
Local District 1 California Standards Test Percentage of Students Scoring Proficient/Advanced, 2003-2007 Local District 1 LAUSD Subject CST Percent Proficient or Advanced Change in Percentage Change in Percentage 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 06-07 03-07 History/ Social Studies Grade 8 29 28 30 35 6 1 5 Grade 10 27 31 25 -4 -3 Grade 11 40 39 41 37 2 -2
TWO TYPES OF ASSESSMENT Assessment OF Learning Assessment FOR Learning
Assessment OF Learning Summative Assessment California Standards Test CAHSEE CAT 6 Course Final Exam Provides information for program evaluation Provides judgmental feedback Provides feedback for audits and reviews Provides accountability information, e.g., NCLB
Assessment FOR Learning Formative Assessment LAUSD Periodic Assessments Well-crafted, teacher-made assessments Promotes student reflective learning Measures short-term student progress Informs teacher practice and professional development Serves as a tool for supervision of instruction by providing measures of student progress
Using Periodic Assessments to Help Sustain School Improvement Bill Saunders Pearson Achievement Solutions