By Carter Scott Joseph Olivarez Alyana Gomez The Jim Crow Laws 1876-1965 By Carter Scott Joseph Olivarez Alyana Gomez
Background Segregation 1876 Amendments 1876 Amendments The jim crow laws were made up of rules of segragation, these are rules seperate colored people and white people into two groups. these laws were put into affect in 1876. the laws consisted of different bathrooms, schools, and other things that people couldnt share because they were either colored of white. they couldnt even eat at a restraunt with out a 7 foot wall separating them. the Amendments were important because The 13th amendment abolished slavery , the 14th amendment granted citizenship to people once enslaved, and the 15th amendment granted black men the right to vote
where were the jim crow laws enforced. United States of America South only they were laws in the united states. they were enforced in the North as much as in the south but in the south white people wanted colored people to stay unequal with them. the Jim crow laws were big in the south because even though the colored people in the south were free they were still treated differently and badly . Also segregation was big since the whites still thought colored people where less than a man and treated them like dirt. in the north segregation occurred but not as bad as in the south.
"Separate but equal" description of Jim Crow Laws condition differences seperate but equal was a saying that meant that the colored people and the white people were equal but never truly treated equally in the U.S. an example of this is what if a restaunt had two cups one for a wite person and another for a colored person: the colored glass would be in worse condition than the the white person's because even though they had "equal rights," white people treated colored people worse than other white people.
the end of the Jim crow laws civil rights movements civil right act of 1964 voting rights act of 1965 the civil right movement was started by rosa parks which led to MLK jr leading the civil rights movement with millions of followers and supporters. this led to the civil right act of 1964 which ended segragation in public places and banned employment discrimination. the voting rights act of 1965 was when they gave african americans the right to vote in the south. and latinos the right to vote in the southwest. MLK jr also helped people see that it isnt unlawful to be with people of another raise.
do they still exist No Segregation still exists the laws dont exist anymore but there are places that have similar rules or laws. segragation still exsists in places in the south. there are schools in the U.S. that even have Colored and White people proms. for example in goegia wilcox county high school has had two different proms for as long they can remember until april 2013 when they had there first intergrated from. this showss that segragation does still exist but just not called the jim crow laws.
work cited "Civil Rights Act" 9 September 2013. "Voting Rights Act" 9 September 2013. "Jim Crow Laws" 9 September 2013. Tafari, Tsahai " The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow" 9 September 2013. "Jim Crow Laws" 9 September 2013. Gumbretch, Jaime "Segregated prom tradition yields to unity" 9 September 2013 Costello, Maureen "Alabama's Immigration Laws: The New Jim Crow" 9 September 2013.