EDA Resources for Economic Recovery and Resiliency Florida Regional Councils Association Orlando, Florida September 27, 2018
EDA and Disaster Recovery Looking Forward: FY19 Topics EDA Overview EDA and Disaster Recovery Looking Forward: FY19 Sample projects funded include: Water and sewer system improvements Industrial park infrastructure High tech shipping and logistics facilities Business incubators and accelerators Brownfield redevelopment Economic diversification strategies Site-specific feasibility studies Capitalization of Revolving Loan Funds (RLFs)
EDA Overview
EDA’s Mission To lead the Federal economic development agenda by promoting innovation and competitiveness, preparing American regions for growth and success in the worldwide economy.
Fulfilling EDA’s Mission Investments in infrastructure, capacity building and business development that attract private capital investments and high quality jobs to Regions experiencing substantial and persistent economic distress. EDA fulfills its mission through a variety of funding programs with investments in infrastructure, capacity building and business development. Investments in economically distressed regions that attract private investment and higher-skill, higher-wage jobs remain the core of what we do.
Eligible Applicants State, county, city or other political subdivision of a State District Organizations (Economic Development Districts) Indian Tribes Colleges and Universities Non-profit organizations* *Requires local government support
EDA Investment Programs Public Works Program—Supports the construction, expansion or upgrade of essential public infrastructure and facilities. Economic Adjustment Assistance Program—Provides a wide range of technical, planning, and public works and infrastructure assistance in regions experiencing adverse economic changes that may occur suddenly or over time. Planning Program Regional Innovation Strategies Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms University Centers Research and National Technical Assistance Local Technical Assistance Program Regional Innovation Strategies – Spurs innovation capacity-building activities by creating and expanding cluster- focused proof-of-concept and commercialization programs and early- stage seed capital funds. Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms – A national network of 11 Trade Adjustment Assistance Centers to help strengthen the competitiveness of American companies that have lost domestic sales and employment because of increased imports of similar goods and services.
EDA Investment Programs Construction Infrastructure improvements Specialized facilities (R &D/Technology) Business incubators Workforce training facilities Other Non-Construction Disaster recovery strategies Target industry studies Revolving loan funds Sample projects funded include: Water and sewer system improvements Industrial park infrastructure High tech shipping and logistics facilities Business incubators and accelerators Brownfield redevelopment Economic diversification strategies Site-specific feasibility studies Capitalization of Revolving Loan Funds (RLFs)
EDA investments Create Jobs and Leverage Private Funds Job Creation EDA investments Create Jobs and Leverage Private Funds ★ EDA provides economic tools and seed investments to state and local governments, tribal organizations, universities, and non-profits in communities and regions suffering from severe economic distress ★ EDA targets its investments to attract private investment and support long-term job creation ★ EDA investments are focused on locally-developed, regionally-owned economic development strategies that directly contribute to economic development ★ EDA is helping communities compete in the 21st century by making catalytic investments that support regional competitiveness, innovation, and entrepreneurship
EDA and Disaster Recovery
EDA and Disaster Recovery EDA was mobilized by FEMA to lead the Economic Recovery Support Function (RSF) The Recovery Support Strategy provided to Florida identified key issues and recovery support strategies across multiple focus areas: Economic Recovery Housing Health and Social Services Community Planning and Capacity Building Infrastructure Systems Natural and Cultural Resources 19
Economic Recovery and Resiliency Workshops in Florida EDA and Disaster Recovery Economic Recovery and Resiliency Workshops in Florida Purpose: Share and discuss best practices in economic resiliency planning and Foster connections (public/private) among local, regional, state, and federal partners to support long-term recovery efforts in Florida. Date Location Venue February 12, 2018 Fort Myers (Lee County) Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council February 13, 2018 North Naples (Collier County) North Collier Regional Park February 14, 2018 LaBelle (Hendry County) LaBelle Civic Center February 15, 2018 Sebring (Highlands County) Bert J. Harris Agri-Civic Center February 15, 2018 Winter Haven (Polk County) Chain of Lakes Complex February 16, 2018 Crystal River (Citrus County) Citrus County Visitors & Convention Bureau February 27, 2018 Marathon (Monroe County) Faro Blanco Resort & Yacht Club
FY18 Disaster Supplemental Under the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (PL 115-123), signed in February, Congress provided EDA with $600M in additional Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA) Program funds for disaster relief and recovery. EDA anticipates awarding: $587M in grants to assist communities experiencing economic distress or economic harm resulting from: Hurricane Harvey (TX, LA) Hurricane Irma (FL, GA, SC, PR, VI) Hurricane Maria (PR, VI) Wildfires and other Federally-declared natural disasters occurring in calendar year 2017 $1M for OIG investigations and audits Up to 2% to cover EDA salaries and expenses
Disaster Supplemental Objectives To help communities and regions recovering from Federally declared disasters devise and implement long-term economic recovery strategies through a variety of non-construction and construction projects, including: Development of disaster recovery strategies (“strategy grants”) Implementation of recovery projects: Rebuilding damaged infrastructure/construction projects Capitalizing revolving loan funds with disaster nexus Disaster resilience activities Other activities eligible for support under the EAA program, as long as assistance is related to the area’s disaster recovery 10
Investment Priorities For FY18 Disaster Supplemental All projects must have a logical nexus with: At least one of DOC’s Disaster Recovery Investment Priorities (NOFO A.2) https://www.eda.gov/about/investment- priorities/disaster-recovery Recovery and Resilience Critical Infrastructure Workforce Development and Manufacturing Exports and Foreign Direct Investments Disaster Recovery and Resilience Investment Priorities Applicant Project Disaster Recovery and Resilience (NOFO D.2.b.5) The nexus between the proposed project scope of work and disaster recovery and resilience efforts. 11
What is Resilience? Resilience is defined in the NOFO, section A.4 Applicants seeking EDA disaster supplemental funds must clearly incorporate “resilience principles” that enhance the community or region’s ability to anticipate, withstand and recover from future disruptions to their economic base. Resilience is defined in the NOFO, section A.4 Examples include: Economic diversification efforts to broaden the region’s industrial base Projects to enhance business retention and expansion Projects to strengthen existing high growth sectors and industries Construction of high performance/resilient infrastructure Comprehensive planning efforts to define and implement a collective vision for economic recovery Further information on economic resilience is available on EDA’s website: https://www.eda.gov/ceds/content/economic-resilience.htm 12
FY18 Disaster Supplemental – Regional Allocations EDA has allocated $587M in EAA Program Funds to its six Regional Offices based on several factors, including but not limited to: CONGRESSIONAL INTENT (i.e., specific mention by Congress of areas impacted by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, wildfires) severity of the disaster’s economic IMPACT, and level of economic DISTRESS in affected areas. Region Allocation Atlanta $147,362,000 Austin $129,119,000 Chicago $8,005,000 Denver $17,435,000 Philadelphia* $191,269,000 Seattle $93,810,000 At this point, ATRO is oversubscribed by approximately 2 to 1. * Philadelphia region includes Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands When appropriate, EDA may exercise its discretion to adjust the allocations to the Regional Offices based on its experience in administering disaster supplemental appropriations to ensure funds are used to maximum effect, or to adjust to unforeseen changes in recovery efforts. 13
FY18 Funded Projects Recap of FY 18 approved projects: Eighteen (18) projects Approximately $36 million awarded Leveraging total project costs of $48.8 million Six projects awarded a combined $32.7 million under the disaster supplemental DEO: www.floridadisaster.biz website update DEO – Statewide RLF to support business recovery and resiliency City of North Miami – Industry diversification study SWFRPC – Regional sustainability study (Small farm sector) CFRPC – Strategic action plan (Aviation industry) WFRPC – Disaster recovery coordinator Twelve projects funded under regular appropriations (EA) At this point, ATRO is oversubscribed by approximately 2 to 1. 13
FY18 Funded Projects Twelve projects awarded a combined $2.9 million under regular appropriations Disaster Recovery Coordinators – 8 IEDC – Disaster Recovery Program Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Research Hangar Innovate 2.0 Northeast Florida At this point, ATRO is oversubscribed by approximately 2 to 1. 13
Looking Forward: FY19
Looking Forward: FY19 Key Considerations: Consider what economic resiliency looks like in your region Support implementing regional/local projects through recovery coordinators Coordinate with local stakeholders to complete/submit disaster supplemental projects ASAP Explore CDBG-DR funding opportunity for unmet housing/economic revitalization/infrastructure needs Closely watch Opportunity Zones roll out Remember EDA’s Investment Priorities: Recovery and Resilience Critical Infrastructure Workforce Development and Manufacturing Exports and Foreign Direct Investments At this point, ATRO is oversubscribed by approximately 2 to 1. 13
Contact Information Greg Vaday, AICP Economic Development Representative U.S. Economic Development Administration 401 West Peachtree St., N.W., Suite 1820 Atlanta, Georgia 30308 Phone: (404) 730-3009 Email: gvaday@eda.gov