Martin Luther King Jr. 1929-1968
Born January 15, 1929 Atlanta, Georgia Michael King Named changed to Martin Luther in honor of the spiritual leader. Was raised around Baptist ministers and eventually became one himself
Reconstruction During Reconstruction after the Civil War several Constitutional Amendments were passed. These Amendments were meant to help newly freed slaves assimilate into the white culture. 13th Amendment – Abolishes slavery (1865) 14th Amendment - African Americans become citizens (1868) 15th Amendment – All citizens have the right to vote (1870)
South Resistance to Change Congress had intended to have newly freed slaves seamlessly incorporated into life. Things can’t change over night. The South passed Jim Crow laws – “Separate but equal” 1877-1960s
Ku Klux Klan Hate group in the South Began in the 1866 Violence against African Americans Sought to restore white supremacy In the 1960s there was often an alliance with the police in the South.
Things start to change In the 1950s and 60s things eventually begin to change after almost 100 years of discrimination.
Segregation in America
Brown v. Board of Education May 17, 1954 Courts ruled – Segregation of schools is unconstitutional
1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott In 1955 public transportation was essential for many people throughout America. On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks decided she didn’t want to sit at the back of the bus anymore just because of her skin color. She refused to give her seat up to a white person and was subsequently arrested.
Bus Boycott African Americans had proved a source of valuable income for the public transportation system. Martin Luther King Jr. lead a boycott of buses in the city of Montgomery, Alabama. The loss of bus riders causes a serious loss of revenue for the bus service.
Browder v. Gale June 13, 1956 Court ruled that segregation of the buses was unconstitutional under the 14th Amendment. The case was appealed, but the Supreme Court upheld the verdict.
The fight for civil rights Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister He sought to end segregation in the South and other parts of the nation. In the spring of 1963 King organized a demonstration in Birmingham, Alabama. He was arrested, along with supporters. This drew nationwide attention. People started to pay attention to segregation.
“I have a dream” Massive demonstration in Washington D.C. Lincoln Memorial More than 200,000 people August 28, 1963 (5:17)
The beginning of Civil Rights President John F. Kennedy had been elected in 1960. He had used civil rights as a campaign strategy He had appointed African Americans to high-level positions. Eventually a comprehensive civil rights bill cleared through Congress in the fall of 1963.
John F. Kennedy Assassination November 22, 1963 – Dallas, TX Video of assassination – News broadcast
Civil Rights People all over the nation began to question the Jim Crow laws. This led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Authorizes the federal government to enforce desegregation of the South Lyndon B. Johnson used his roots in the South and emotions based on the assassination of Kennedy to pass the bill.
Nobel Peace Prize King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 From 1965-1967 King expanded his fight for civil rights for African Americans.
Assassination King was growing weary of the struggle. He had planned one last crusade On April 3rd he said, “I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight that we, as a people, will get to the promised land." The next day he was shot by a sniper while standing on a balcony outside his hotel room. Memphis, TN
Legacy How do you think Martin Luther King’s life has affected us today? How? What would have been different had he not fought for civil rights? What would he do today if he were alive? What are your thoughts on his life?