Now you’re to explore key question: 1.3 What is the role of migration in population change? Migration LO: to identify the different types of migration, how migration changes a population and the reasons for migration
It can be internal or international migration. What is Migration? The UN definition is : The movement of a person or persons from one place to another involving a permanent (1 year or more) change of address. It can be internal or international migration.
Migration impacts on population change Migration impacts on population change. It is difficult to account for this population change as much migration is illegal and not accounted for. The government often underestimate the number of migrants to help boost support, while the press often overestimate the number of migrants to sell sensational news articles.
Some migration statistics (2009) 6.5 million people born overseas were resident in the UK in the year to June 2008, an increase of 290,000 on the year to June 2007. In 2008, 66,275 persons were removed or departed voluntarily from the UK, 5 per cent higher than 2007 (63,365). In the first three months of 2009, there were 23,000 applications from workers in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia and the Czech Republic - down from 48,755 in the same period in 2008. The decrease is mainly explained by the number of Polish applicants, which fell to 12,000 in the first quarter of 2009 from 32,000 in the same period a year earlier.
Types of migration. 1. Internal Eg Rural to Urban 3. Forced Migration Brazil 2. External – International eg Australia 3. Forced Migration eg Dafur Tend to be environmental or political ideas. If a person can prove they are a forced migrant then they can become a refugee and seek refuge legally in another country. 4. Voluntary Migration eg Mexico to America Usually influenced by push and pull factors. Tend to be social or economic reasons
Use pg 361 waugh to make a table as shown in fig 13.28
It does become complicated because when does poverty reach a level where you move from being a voluntary migrant to a forced migrant?
Internal Migration This is migration within a country. explain what the following types of internal migration are. Rural to Urban Urban to Rural Inter-urban Intra-urban Transmigration
What is International Migration? International migration is the relatively long distance movement between people. Emigration is the departure of a person from one country to live permanently in another. Immigration is the entrance into a country of a person with the aim of living there permanently. International migration can be VOLUNTARY or FORCED.
Who migrates? FORCED migration affects everyone ECONOMIC migration tends to be younger males Why do you think this is? One exception is the Phillippines –women tend to move.
Migration can be permanent or temporary. Duration Migration patterns include people who may move only once in a lifetime, people who move annually, seasonally, and people who move daily to work or school. Migration can be permanent or temporary.
What is a migrant worker? How can they be classified? Permanent Semi-permanent Seasonal Daily
Why do people migrate?
List push and pull factors that you can think of. Why do people migrate? People migrate due to PUSH and PULL factors PUSH factors are those that cause people to leave an area PULL factors are those that encourage people to move to an area List push and pull factors that you can think of.
Why do people migrate? Push factors Pull factors High population pressure Economic hardship Poor quality of life Persecution Forced out – ethnic cleansing No jobs Starvation and disasters Marriage Harsh environment Able to support population More opportunities Higher standard of living Receptive society Accepts refugees and asylum seekers City life – bright lights Partner works there
MIGRATION MODELS Over time people have tried to explain migration through the use of models. Use the hand out and discuss Ravensteins model. Do you agree with his ideas? Explain What are the problems with his model?
Listed below are three of Ravenstein’s Law’s Listed below are three of Ravenstein’s Law’s. How well do you think they hold up with respect to international migration today? ‘Most migrants travel short distances and with increasing distance, the number of migrants decreases’ ‘The major direction of migration is from agricultural areas to centres of industry and commerce’ ‘Most migrants are adults, and families rarely migrate out of their birth country’.
Analyse the topological map Describe the distribution of migration (5)
Give an example for each Write a definition for.... Immigration Emigration External Migration Internal Migration Voluntary Migration Forced Migration Asylum Seeker Refugee Give an example for each