Features Multicycle Datapath 16 Registers 16 instructions having 4 bit opcode
ISA R -TYPE: I TYPE J-TYPE B-TYPE Opcode (4) Src 1 (4) Src 2(4) Dest (4) Opcode Src (4) Dest(4) Imm val. Opcode (4) Jump Address (12) Opcode(4) Reg1 Reg2 Label
REGISTERS NAME FUNCTION NUMBER $zero Hard wired zero $0 $at Used for pseudo-instructions $1 $ra Return address $2 $s0-$s3 Saved registers $3-$6 $to-$t3 Temporary registers $7-$10 $a0 and $a2 Arguments registers $11-$12 $v0-$v2 Value registers $12-$15
Multicycle Datapath Memory ALU Instr. reg. (IR) PC A Register file PCS PCW 12 to 15 to Control FSM 0-11 RW 8-11 4-7 PC Instr. reg. (IR) A Addr. Memory 0-3 Register file ALU ALUA ALUB AOut ID Data Mem. Data Reg (MDR) B RD IRW 1 Control unit Sign extend MRg -1 MW 12-15
FSM Start State 0 1 Instr. fetch/ adv. PC lw or sw J R B 3 2 Read decode/reg. fetch/branch addr. lw or sw J R B 3 2 Read memory data Compute memory addr. ALU operation Write jump addr. to PC Write PC on branch condition lw 6 8 9 sw 4 5 Write register Write memory data 7 Write register
INSTRUCTION SET 1. Add 2. Sub 3. And 4. Or 5. Nor 6. Slt 7. Lw 8. Sw 9. Addi 10. Andi 11. Beq 12. Jump 13. Jal 14. Jr
PROBLEMS FACED Smaller value of offset (4 bits) Halt – Hardwired -1 Opcode (4) Src (4) Imm.val
PROSPECTIVE CHANGES Micro programmed Control Unit Hardware changes for faster execution Effective programming for preventing latches Reduce critical path delay for accommodating faster execution