11th Oslo Group Meeting at Stockholm Ville Vertanen
UN Oslo Group on Energy Statistics https://unstats.un.org/oslogroup Mandate Scope: 5 WG’s of whics 2 and ½ are active (Unite Connections): Dissemination Energy Prices Quality reviews Electronic Data Collection and SDMX Administrative Data Sources 9.11.2018 Ville Vertanen
Emerging issues Is there a need to update IRES? Contradictions IRES vs. ESCM, classifications, renevables to discussion? Supplementary material? Volunteers to translate ESCM? Request for Country Practices For UN Work Shops, are there OG members ready to assist SDG indicator work; methodological work, country practices Fuel poverty? Request to InterEnerStat to focus/work on SDMX and OG should test and share experiences 9.11.2018 Ville Vertanen
Administrative Data Sources Should we further focus on the mandate/scope of this Working Group Where to focus Action plan for the next three years (provides continuity) Digitalisation - How to further develop Datahub paper Co-operation is the key More countries are invited to share, contribute and learn (Netherlands?, USA?, Ireland?, Estonia?, Others?) New data sources to help in emerging issues like small scale energy production 9.11.2018 Ville Vertanen
Dissemination practises User segmentation -> Lady Gaga fanclub vs. heavy duty energy economist Should we have one ½ day session to focus on analysis? (eg. IEA WEO, country analysis?, others?) cover our mandate’s point on ”identify user needs” We are moving from paper publications to digital publications 9.11.2018 Ville Vertanen
How should we comprise and gather these country presentations? Put into categories to website? To put them into format of country practise? Papers? Should we do more joint papers? Based on these presentations or other issues Other? 9.11.2018 Ville Vertanen