Office: (903) Web: Advanced Technology for the Heat Treatment Industry
Office: (903) Web: Quik Fire Burner Pro
Office: (903) Web: PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment Preheating Relaxation of Residual Stresses Relaxation of Thermal Stresses Tempering (Softening ) Removal of Diffusible Hydrogen The Need, for PWHT is driven by code and application requirements as well as the service environment. The Solution,Assisting our customers to meet ASME requirements and Vessel Codes in accordance with Heat Treatment applications with New Technology advances in equipment for application and documentation. Serving the Piping, Pressure Vessel Manufacturing, and Field Application needs for Equipment with heat management processes.
Office: (903) Web: PLC Quik Fire Burner Pro PLC Allen Bradley, Equipped with Touch Screen for user monitoring and project data. Programmable Logic Control and Data Acquisition unit, controls and maintains correct Air/ Fuel mixtures for a clean burn application. PLC Controller with Type K thermocouples,for technician monitoring of Surface Temperature of vessel for a programmed burn entry application.
Office: (903) Web: Burner Controls with Allen Bradley Software, For on-time heat cycles and accurate temperature control. Old Technology: Manual operation that requires technician to monitor heat treating adjustment for the duration of the project process. Burnouts – Record Data Entry New Technology: Computerized operation with Software Programming and Data Acquisition Recording. Burner Controls Quik Fire Burner Pro
Office: (903) Web: Quik Fire Burner Pro New Technology Solutions for Heat Treatment Services and Management Improved Project Performance with Accurate Data registrations System Monitoring for Technical Results with less Man Hour Operation Project Reference for Certification Parameters meeting Code Specifications Timely Project results with Optimal Safety Participation Increased Project Delivery schedules with Profitable Turnarounds
Office: (903) Web: PLC equipped with Indusoft Paperless Chart Recorder capable of up to 18 thermocouple inputs for job registrations and monitoring. Customer ISO Drawing Code Registration Weld Specifications PO – Work Order Recorder is equipped with a Scan Disk Card for chart Image printouts, job documentation, project review and storage. PLC Quik Fire Burner Pro Software Management Data
Office: (903) Web: PLC is controlled by Indusoft Web Studio Program thru a Touch-Screen. Touch Screen
Office: (903) Web: Equipped with Indusoft Program Paperless Chart Recorder capable of up to 18 thermocouple inputs for job registrations and monitoring. Customer ISO Drawing Code Registration Weld Specifications PO – Work Order Recorder is equipped with a USB port for saving data. Chart Recorder Quik Fire Burner Pro Data Recording Project
Office: (903) Web: Equipped with Dungs combustion control valve trains for metering the supply of LP or Natural Gas. The dual modular valve combines two automatic shut off valves in one housing. Serviced with thermocouple temperature transmitters to the (PLC) and (Data Recorder ) ensure precise accurate temperature readings and calibrated fuel heat control. Valve trains maintain Industrial fail safe shut-offs for safety and burn program specifications. Valves Trains Quik Fire Burner Pro
Office: (903) Web: Gas Supply Quik Fire Burner Pro
Office: (903) Web: Equipped with Eclipse SMJ Blower and 25 supply air hose per Burner for multiple stage supply. This enables the user to expand a applicable project burn from 1mil base unit up to 11 mil as demanded for the specified equipment treatment needs with the Quik Fire Burner Pro. Each unit supply model comes equipped with rugged portable cabinet rolling design,1 unit per Blower and Burner supply assembly, Valve Train / Gas supply unit, and CPU control station unit. Individual contained service units offer the technicians organized placement and safety application with delivery to Heat Treatment location SMJ Blower Quik Fire Burner Pro
Office: (903) Web: Equipped with Eclipse ThermJet Performance Velocity Burners The burners delivers precise temperature uniformity for consistent product quality and system efficiency. Ignition anywhere in temp. range High velocity efficiency across its operating system ranges Uses staged Air and Gas to provide a wide turndown range. Lowest emissions in Industry BTU Ranges 1Mil. To 5 Mil. Eclipse Burner Quik Fire Burner Pro
Office: (903) Web: A Johnson DHF dual Fuel Furnace can also be furnished for our Heat-Treating Oven This burner will operate on diesel fuel as well natural and propane gas Btu Range up to 10 M BTU ent
Office: (903) Web: HettZaugg Technologies offers a new Technology in Heat Treating Ovens. We have designed A Oven that is made up of modular units so that any size of oven can be assembled on site to form a permanent structure. This allows the customer to place ovens in difficult locations. Also these units can be disassembled and relocated to a new location. Panels are designed to be used in the walls and ceiling with angle-iron supports on the vertical corners and C-channel on the horizontal top edges. The floor is made up of I-Beams with ¼ plate for decking, high temperature insulation is placed between the I-Beams. When the Oven is assembled 12 square insulation block are fastened to inside of the which maintains a cool exterior during the operation of the oven. All parts are pre welded at the factory so the oven can be bolted together without welding. ent
Office: (903) Web: Quik Fire Oven Pro. Above 3D Auto Cad drawing shows a modular oven Sized to 10ft 6in X 10ft 6in These ovens can be built to any size and assembled on site as the parts are packaged for shipment
Office: (903) Web: Autocad Drawing of Modular Oven showing walls & roof section also entry door section. Each 42X42 panel is bolted together to complete the oven. The size of the oven can be sized to desired size depending how many panels are used Entry door is sized according to the size of the oven.
Office: (903) Web: Insulfrax 1100C modules are High-Temperature module products based on Unifraxs Anchor-Loc attachment system. These blocks are fastened on the inside of the oven and have a temperature rating of 2012 Deg F
Office: (903) Web: Insulfrax 1100C modules are fastened on the inside of the oven using a screw gun After insulfrax blocks are installed bands are cut allowing block to expand creating a tight seal.
Office: (903) Web: Quik Fire Burner Pro Hett / Zaugg Mfg. Technologies offers Heat Treatment processing Equipment to the industry for design and manufacturing options that enhance your project needs with assurances that Maximize Performance and Profitable results. Serving the Manufacturing and Welding Service industry for an Innovative and new Technology approach to the demands for Heat Treatment Management and applications. Consult with our Sales and Technical Team for your Heat Equipment Mfg. needs.
11305 County Road 221 Tyler TX Specializing in Heat Treatment Equipment Design to meet your Manufacturing Applications Office Office: (903) Web:
Quik Fire Burner Pro Model FBP2-300 PLC unit with Allen Bradly Software, ( Automated Heat Treatment ) HMI ( Human Machine Interface), with Indusoft Software Includes Industrial touch screen with logic control and data acquisition software. ( programming user ready ) PLC equipped with Indusoft Data chart recorder with service capabilities up to 18 Thermocouple inputs. Equipped with calibrated thermocouple transmitters. Control station cabinet included with roller casters for placement application Dungs valve train assembly with PLC controlled butterfly valve for fuel supply specifications, LP or Natural Gas. Includes gas supply service shut-off controls, pressure regulator and 50supply hose with couplers. Valve station cabinet included with roller casters for placement. 1 Ea. SMJ Blower assembly with 1million BTU ThermJet Velocity Burner. 1 Ea. SMJ Blower assembly with 2million BTU ThermJet Velocity Burner. Package assembly to include, Cabinet with casters for each burner assembly, and 25 lead supply hose for burner placement. ( Application models up to 11 million BTU ) Delivery and technical placement set-up with your training representative by our support team. Contact us by Web for a site appointment to evaluate Equipment Design needs ! Office: (903) Web:
Office: (903) Web: Quik Fire Burner Pro Contact Notice : Customer : Name* ABusiness ddress* City, State, Zip Code* Your Company Name* Address* Business Description*
Office: (903) Web: Quik Fire Oven Pro Contact Notice : Persons interested in a oven Quote please send information about burner BTU size as well as dimensions of Oven to address