October 7th, 2015 Web Platform 9/24 Deployment Training
Agenda Introductions Web Platform Deployment Overview- review the final full list of enhancements/fixes deployed on 9/24 Questions Council Based Ads Component- councils have the ability to assign ads (right rail graphics) to specific pages. Embedded Flash Component(s)- councils have the ability to host and author Flash Videos or HTML 5 files National Workflow- a seamless way for GSUSA to make updates to any of the 35 national template pages without disrupting any canceled inheritance decisions made by councils. Confidential and Proprietary - Not for Public Distribution - Do Not Copy
Deployment Overview On September 24th GSUSA conducted a Web Platform deployment. We did experience some down time in the authoring environment as well as some general overall slowness across some platform sites. The following is the final deployment list: Bug Ticket 5526-10036256: Forms and Documents Category Issue Story ADS - Allow councils to have different banners for different pages Provide abilitty to host and author Flash Videos or HTML 5 files SUPPORT- Ticket 5526-10034269: Unable to Edit Homepage Hero Sliders SUPPORT- Ticket 5526-10034721: Searches show out of date info SUPPORT- Ticket 5526-10035379: Adding Hero Images to our home page SUPPORT- Ticket 5526-10035442: Search returning double results and ignoring the document descriptions SUPPORT- Ticket 5526-10035954: Our Forms categories are changing to other councils' again Ticket 5526-10036926: Other Council's forms categories displaying Question Ticket 5526-10036273: Accordion component no longer working correctly Confidential and Proprietary - Not for Public Distribution - Do Not Copy
Council Based Ads Purpose: Allows councils to select what ads (right rail banners) they would like to showcase on a page-by-page basis. Navigate to the page you would like to assign a specific add (right rail) to Drag and drop the advertisement component from sidekick Edit ad, check custom mode Select which ad(s) you want to display on the page Note: if custom mode isn't selected all ads will show on all pages by default Confidential and Proprietary - Not for Public Distribution - Do Not Copy
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Advanced Embedded Flash Component Purpose: Provide the ability to host and author Flash Videos or HTML 5 files (ex. Interactive Volunteer Training Videos) Note: this option is more advanced and should only be used if you are embedding a HTML 5 file or flash video that is NOT created using Adobe Captivate. Upload to “swf” (flash) file into your respective DAM folder. Drag the Embedded Flash component onto the page where you wish to display the video Copy and paste the “htm” file into a word document (this will make it easier to edit the code) Copy and paste the first part of the code into the HTML box inside the component. IMPORTANT: remember to add a closed “body” (</body>) tag after the last “</div>” Copy and paste the remaining code into the JavaScript field inside the component. IMPORTANT: remove ALL “script” tags from within the JavaScript. (see screenshot) Copy and paste the location of the “swf” in the DAM into the JavaScript field (see screenshot). Change the dimensions within the code to 530 x 400. (ex: “captivate” , “530” , “400” , “10”, ) Hit ok. The flash should run now. Confidential and Proprietary - Not for Public Distribution - Do Not Copy
Advanced Embedded Flash Screenshot Confidential and Proprietary - Not for Public Distribution - Do Not Copy
Embedded Flash Component Purpose: Provide the ability to host and author Flash Videos or HTML 5 files (ex. Interactive Volunteer Training Videos) Note: this option is the easier of the two. It should be used when embedding an HTML 5 file or Flash video that HAS been created using Adobe Captivate. Upload the “swf” file to your DAM Drag and drop the “embedded flash” component onto the page Click “edit” Set the path (magnifying glass icon) to the “swf” file you uploaded to your DAM Set the desired width and height of the video Select “default” as the Scaling Type Click “ok” Activate page Note: This option has NOT been deployed yet. It will be deployed on Thursday 10/8 at 11:00am ET Confidential and Proprietary - Not for Public Distribution - Do Not Copy
Embedded Flash Component Screenshot Confidential and Proprietary - Not for Public Distribution - Do Not Copy
Hyperlinking swf file from DAM onto a page And behind door number three… With the build of the Embedded Flash component you also have the option to hyperlink an swf file from the DAM onto a page using a text or text and image component. Upload the swf file to your DAM Drag and drop a text component onto a page Highlight and hyperlink the desired text to the swf file Check “open in new window” Click “ok” Activate page Confidential and Proprietary - Not for Public Distribution - Do Not Copy
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National Workflow The purpose of the National Workflow is to establish a simple and effective way for GSUSA to communicate with the councils whenever a change or update has been made to any of the National Template pages . We will be modifying certain components on the National Template pages so that each component will still be live on the page but not inheritable. For example: the button on the Join page will no longer be a locked component but it still will be populated on the page with the rest of the inherited components when this page is pushed to a council site from the National Template. Confidential and Proprietary - Not for Public Distribution - Do Not Copy
National Workflow: Scenario 1 When GSUSA modifies a component within the National Template that a council has NOT canceled the inheritance of the following will occur: The national change will automatically take effect There will be no email sent out to the council notifying them of the change. This keeps the workflow simple, easy to get updates, no back log of unapproved workflows and no spam emails To take a look at what has is been updated councils can go to the DXP Support site wwww.dxp.girlscouts.org The councils will need to understand that by keeping the components configured (locked) they have elected to receive all updates made by GSUSA Confidential and Proprietary - Not for Public Distribution - Do Not Copy
National Workflow: Scenario 2 When GSUSA modifies a component within the National Template that a council HAS unlocked the inheritance of the follow will occur: An email will be sent out to the council notifying them of the national change After reviewing the changes a council can either decided to relock the component back and receive the national updates or they can keep the component unlocked and make the updates manually Confidential and Proprietary - Not for Public Distribution - Do Not Copy
Email Example: Dear Council, It has been detected that one or more components on the following page(s) has been modified by GSUSA. Please review and make any updates to content or simply reinstate the inheritance(s). If you choose to reinstate the inheritance(s) please be aware that you will be discarding your own changes (custom content) that have been made to this page and will immediately receive the new national content. National page URL: /content/girlscouts-template/en/about-girl-scouts/who-we-are.html Your page URL: https://www.nccoastalpines.org/en/about-girl-scouts/who-we-are.html Confidential and Proprietary - Not for Public Distribution - Do Not Copy
Next Steps In order to have emails sent out to councils when the National Workflow has been pushed you will need to add in a primary and secondary email contacts to your site. Steps on How to Add in National Workflow Email Address: Homepage > Page Properties> Girl Scouts tab> Scroll to the bottom of the page> Enter in primary and secondary email address > Activate the homepage. The Web Platform Migration team will be happy to do this for you! Please send your respective GSUSA Content Analyst the primary and secondary email address you wish to add. Note: These contacts are the ONLY ones who will receive an email notification IF the system detects that you have a canceled inheritance on a national page that has had the National Workflow applied to it. Confidential and Proprietary - Not for Public Distribution - Do Not Copy
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Please email Meredith Kaufman mkaufman@girlscouts Please email Meredith Kaufman mkaufman@girlscouts.org if you have any further questions. Thank You!