Sharing experience on institutional arrangements in the AFOLU sector


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Presentation transcript:

Sharing experience on institutional arrangements in the AFOLU sector AFOLU Working Session – Day 1 Strengthening MRV capacities and preparing for the Enhanced Transparency Framework, 28-30 March 2018, Bangkok

Institutional arrangement You will have 5 minutes to prepare your cards for sharing info on institutional arrangement with the other countries Let’s start by writing the name of your country as title of your cards First of all cards (two colors) and markers should be distributed The facilitator will provide the timing.

Content of the cards Who is involved? And which mechanism is in place? Which are the financial and human resources? And which are the incentives? Refer to one color card for each group of question. The facilitator will provide the timing.

Share your country experience Five country representatives will seat and the other five will rotate Once you will seat in front of another participant, kindly ask to describe their country situation in four minutes. Then, it is your turn to describe (4 min.) The facilitator will provide the timing. Alert at one minute for each presentation. Once they finish collect all the cards.

Let’s think together How to ensure a sustainable monitoring and reporting system for the AFOLU sector? When is the system sustainable? Which are the elements? How to ensure sustainability? Divide in two groups (AG and FOLU). Assign the role to two participants (each for group) in writing the results of the discussion on the flipchart and in a ppt. 20 minutes and the morning after we will recap and listen from the two groups

The results

Participants 16 participants (9 males and 7 females) 12 countries (Myanmar, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Fiji, Mongolia, Singapore, Nepal, Australia and Thailand)

Country Experience - Different modalities of MRV Centralised vs Decentralised (pro-cons, technical knowledge, data ownership, capacity building for large groups, inconsistencies, comparability) For sustainability: National circumstances driven (large countries vs small and/or fragmented territories, with different data collection challenges, based on existing governmental structure)

Country Experience - Different modalities of MRV Rare case of internal legal agreements for data sharing Mostly based on personal relationships Difficult to identify the right stakeholders For sustainability Use existing channels

Country Experience - Different modalities of MRV Financial issues (project funded vs government funded) For sustainability: How to convince finance Authority to invest on a sustainable MRV? Sustainable MRV investment attracts finance The multiply use of MRV system to answer different needs