FAO’s toolkit and the BEFS Rapid Appraisal Sustainable Bioenergy Development FAO’s toolkit and the BEFS Rapid Appraisal Maltsoglou, Irini Energy, Climate Change and Tenure Division, FAO
Outline Two parts: Overview of FAO’s work and the BEFS Approach The BEFS Rapid Appraisal RESOURCE Designer to propose a different layout for the “Environmental Analysis” veritical box, in order to make sure that readers do not get the impression that “Biomass Potential Assessment”, “Techno-Economic Analysis” and “Socio-Economic Analysis” are about “Environmental Analysis”. Designer to create two sub-boxes for “Techno-Economic Analysis” and “Socio-Economic Analysis”, which could look like the bigger boxes, i.e. with an arrow going from the former to the latter in order to indicate the chronological sequence. Designer to propose alternative colour scheme and make any other necessary improvements.
Bioenergy and Food Security Modern bioenergy development can create both risks and opportunities for food security To help countries assess and manage these risks and opportunities, FAO has developed the Sustainable Bioenergy Toolkit
The FAO Sustainable Bioenergy Toolkit A Roadmap to Sustainable Bioenergy FAO-UNEP Decision Support Tool (DST) FAO Bioenergy and Food Security (BEFS) Approach WHAT TO DO Sustainable Bioenergy Assessment and Planning FAO Bioenergy and Food Security (BEFS) Approach HOW TO DO IT Impact Monitoring, Evaluation and Response Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) Sustainability Indicators
The BEFS Approach of FAO The BEFS approach help countries design and implement sustainable bioenergy policies and strategies, by ensuring that bioenergy development: → fosters both food and energy security, and → contributes to agricultural and rural development in a climate-smart way
Some key definitions: Biofuels FEEDSTOCK Crops and crop residues, forestry and residues and livestock residues Solid Biofuels Gaseous Biofuels Liquid Biofuels Firewood, charcoal, briquettes Biogas, syngas (gasification) Bioethanol, biodiesel and straight vegetable oil RESOURCE BIOENERGY: all energy derived from biofuels, which are fuels derived from biomass. BIOMASS: materials of recent biological origin including plant materials and animal waste. Heating and Cooking Electricity Transport
Some key definitions: Food Security Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. This definition introduces four main dimensions of food security: Physical AVAILABILITY of food Economic and physical ACCESS to food Food UTILIZATION STABILITY of the other three dimensions over time RESOURCE Designer to propose a different layout for the “Environmental Analysis” veritical box, in order to make sure that readers do not get the impression that “Biomass Potential Assessment”, “Techno-Economic Analysis” and “Socio-Economic Analysis” are about “Environmental Analysis”. Designer to create two sub-boxes for “Techno-Economic Analysis” and “Socio-Economic Analysis”, which could look like the bigger boxes, i.e. with an arrow going from the former to the latter in order to indicate the chronological sequence. Designer to propose alternative colour scheme and make any other necessary improvements.
Linkages: Bioenergy and Food Security Food Utilization (Nutrition) Food Availability (Supply) Food Access (Income and prices) Which options are viable?
Impact Monitoring, Evaluation and Response Stakeholder Dialogue and Capacity Building Country level support and Evidence: The Bioenergy and Food Security (BEFS) Approach Six areas of support: Risk Prevention, Management and Investment Screening Sustainable Bioenergy Assessment Support to Policy Formulation Impact Monitoring, Evaluation and Response Scoping Stakeholder dialogue and capacity building are essential components of our work. In the Assessment phase we focus on analysis to generate the evidence which is the used to support the policy formulation process. Once policies are in place, these need to be monitored and identify unintended risks so that appropriate response to correct this are put in place. Guidance materials to ensure environmental and social sustainability are also available to support the entire process.
Country level support and Evidence: BEFS Approach (contd.) Stakeholder Dialogue and Capacity Building Country level support and Evidence: BEFS Approach (contd.) Establish/work with existing inter- ministerial working group Country review: stakeholder mapping, agriculture, energy, food security, environment context etc. Identification of country needs, focus areas, concerns Train working group on bioenergy and food security linkages and on the BEFS Approach Definition and agreement of next steps Scoping
Country level support and Evidence: BEFS Approach (contd.) Country level evidence as basis for policy formulation process Two levels of analysis: initial appraisal followed by in-depth analysis Training of assessment methodologies Sustainable Bioenergy Assessment
Country level support and Evidence: BEFS Approach (contd.) Discuss results generated by the BEFS Assessment at both technical and policy levels Review of regulatory framework for bioenergy and relevant sectors Support Ministerial and Parliamentary discussions Support to Policy Formulation
Country level support and Evidence: BEFS Approach (contd.) Overall support in structuring the monitoring framework Appropriateness of GBEP indicators Assessing data availability and collection Defining of the baseline Impact Monitoring, Evaluation and Response
Some examples of our work: Africa Tanzania: Training, potential assessment, multistakeholder dialogue Malawi: BEFS Working Group, Roadmap Sierra Leone: BEFS Working Group, Sustainable Investment Guidelines Latin America Peru: Training, potential assessment, multistakeholder dialogue Colombia: GBEP indicator testing Asia ASEAN: Training, potential assessment, multistakeholder dialogue Indonesia: GBEP indicator testing Other potential countries Pakistan, Cote d’Ivoire, Paraguay, Vietnam
Impact Monitoring, Evaluation and Response Country level support and Evidence: The Bioenergy and Food Security (BEFS) Approach Six areas of support: Risk Prevention, Management and Investment Screening Impact Monitoring, Evaluation and Response Support to Policy Formulation Sustainable Bioenergy Assessment Scoping Stakeholder Dialogue and Capacity Building Stakeholder dialogue and capacity building are essential components of our work. In the Assessment phase we focus on analysis to generate the evidence which is the used to support the policy formulation process. Once policies are in place, these need to be monitored and identify unintended risks so that appropriate response to correct this are put in place. Guidance materials to ensure environmental and social sustainability are also available to support the entire process.
BEFS Sustainable Bioenergy Assessment Country specific evidence to inform the policy formulation process The assessment is based on the BEFS AF The assessment can be carried out at two levels: BEFS Rapid Appraisal BEFS Detailed Analysis
The BEFS Rapid Appraisal Focusing on: The BEFS Rapid Appraisal
The BEFS Rapid Appraisal Country Status Review of key indicators and trends: Agriculture, Energy, Environment, etc. Excel tools and manuals are on our website now Agriculture Residues Woodfuel and Wood Residues Crops Natural Resources Biomass Potential Assessment Biomass Potential Assessment Energy End Use Options Heating and Cooking Charcoal, briquettes, biogas Rural Electrification Gasification, SVO, Combustion Transport Bioethanol, biodiesel Techno-economic and socioeconomic analysis Country Specific Evidence
The BEFS Rapid Appraisal Transport Bioethanol, biodiesel Rural Electrification Gasification, SVO, Combustion Heating and Cooking Charcoal, briquettes, biogas Country Specific Evidence Country Status Review of key indicators and trends: Agriculture, Energy, Environment, etc. Energy End Use Options Biomass Potential Assessment Agriculture Residues Woodfuel and Wood Residues Crops Natural Resources Outlines the bioenergy options of interest Generates initial estimates of which sustainable bioenergy supply chains are viable in the country Identifies options of interest that require more in-depth analysis and planning e.g. more detailed BEFS analysis An initial understanding and quantification of: Is the feedstock available (considering the constraints)? Is production profitable and at what level? Can smallholders be cost competitive? What are the investment requirements? What are the opportunities for job creation and where? What does the option entail for energy access?
How does the appraisal account for food security and sustainability? Identify key food staples in the country Strive for feedstock production that is additional or minimizes competition with food, feed and other current uses Consider options for income generation, employment and potential tradeoffs feedstock level, processing level
How does the appraisal account for food security and sustainability How does the appraisal account for food security and sustainability? (contd.) Sustainability Sustainable use of natural resources intensification of agricultural production as preferred option forestland and protected areas excluded current/planned uses of residues excluded importance of residues for soil fertility and structure considered Economic and social sustainability competitiveness financial viability outgrowers’ inclusion
Coverage of the BEFS Rapid Appraisal FEEDSTOCK Production, harvesting, collection BIOFUEL PRODUCTION Processing TRANSPORT FACTORY GATE The whole bioenergy supply chain ELECTRICITY Production and distribution CONSUMER
Phases of implementation of the BEFS RA Phase 1: country needs, focus (stakeholder discussions) and data collection Phase 2: analysis with the BEFS RA tools Country status, natural resources and energy end use options Phase 3: results screening, discussion and decision on way forward Timing 4 to 6 months
Country support BEFS Working Group Ministries of Energy, Agriculture, Industry and Trade, Labour, Finance, Economic Development, Transport, Irrigation, etc.
What does the BEFS RA do? Understand the context, needs, constraints and investigate, based on the local evidence, potential viable solutions Central role for smallholder inclusion to ensure targeting poverty reduction What bioenergy options to supply which energy needs, considering a broader energy mix Integration is key: Integrate food and energy systems
THANK YOU!! http://www.fao.org/bioenergy/foodsecurity/befs/en/