Learning Content Management System (LCMS) UNITAR May 2008 Learn.unctad.org
Why distance learning? Innovative and cost-effective way of building capacity both in key substantive areas and in training methods, especially for Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Flexibility Access Sustainability Networking PLUS can help to build ICT capacity and ICT literacy
UNCTAD’s Strategy for implementing a distance learning process Support Evaluation Infrastructure Sustainability Through UN Firewall Compatible SCORM / AICC standards
UNCTAD’s TFT distance learning approach Focus on adaptable and relevant solutions for LDCs – tried and tested approach Distance Learning is NOT just about technology Hybrid training Focuses on developing locally relevant solutions that support the objective of CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT Working with partners so as to ensure sustainability of outcomes and transfer of skills and knowledge Integration of distance learning into the overall capacity development programmes of UNCTAD
Select a LCMS Open source Low bandwidth Chat/Forum/QCM/Survey/ Assessment Module in PDF / Word / Video Management of trainee’s groups Multilingual Online and offline (CDROM/DVD) Actors (Admin, Course creator, trainer, tutor, participant)
Distance Learning Actors Subject Matter Expert Technical tutor Chat & Forum UNCTAD Centrale team Estagiário: É quem segue a formação; Tem objectivos de actualização e de aprofundamento de conhecimentos, pretendendo obter uma certificação que lhe permita mais facilemtne progredir profissionalmente Director do Centro: Focal point Responsável pelo curso no país ou centro; Coordenação dos formadores (instructores e tutores) Distribuição e coordenação do material pedagógico e zelador do cumprimento de programas e timings definidos Trainees
DL Developments 2007/2008 IT Development New Platform VI (Joomla + Greenstone) New Moodle -> P166 New Moodle -> TFT New Server Server in Cambodia Course Development PTP Module 1 - 4 (PT) PTP Module 5a & b (EN) Sustainable Tourism for Dev. (FR) E-marketing for E-tourism (FR, EN) Legal Aspect of E-commerce (SP, KHMER) Training of technical tutors (SP)
DL Developments 2007/2008 Delivery 2007/08 = 370 Sustainable Tourism (Madagascar+ West Africa) E-commerce ALADI IIA – ALADI Technical Tutor ALADI+ Cambodia+ Senegal Training of trainers PTP (Marseille 2007+2008) Local development Video recording Cambodia Local Training Server Course on Legal Aspect of E-commerce in KHMER
To access the platform http://learn.unctad.org Access with individual login and password
Chat session Exchange among participants and trainers/experts with a local technical tutor in each country
Forum In-depth Questions and answers
Evaluation – Case study Individual evaluation are conducted after each module Each participant needs to complete the test online or on paper. With the online test, participant get a automatic feedback when they submit their evaluations. Case studies and group exercises Groups of participants work on a document and submit it online.
Opinion questionnaire After each module, participants have to complete a standard form to express their opinion on the training material There is also an opinion questionnaire at the end of the course
Face-to-face http://learn.unctad.org
Contact Dominique CHANTREL Distance Learning Officer TrainForTrade Programme UNCTAD Geneva-Switzerland Phone: +41 22 917 2187 Email: dominique.chantrel@unctad.org Web: learn.unctad.org