The Cycling of Carbon among the spheres By: Martina Ramos and Bianca Benites
What are the Characteristics of Water? Unique liquid and without it life is impossible Has a high capacity to absorb and store heat Its efficiency and capability to hold heat changes the climate The heat that is stored in oceans, can cause hurricanes and other storms. It is also an universal solvent Word bank: Universal Solvent: A substance that dissolves most chemicals.
They can dissolve a lot of compounds into limestone rock Sodium Chloride (Salt) Calcium Carbonate (Calcite) Word bank: Limestone Rock: Sedimentary rock composed primarily of calcium carbonate in the form of the mineral calcite
The Hydrologic Cycle Showing important processes and transfer of Water
Where can it be found? Liquid, solid, or gaseous form Different locations at or near earth surface The time the water stays in a place can vary from a few days to thousands of years People, plants and animals use less than 1% of the water in the world Inexpensive resource, but in places where it isn’t abundant the price increases
What is a Biogeochemical Cycle? A natural cycle in which elements of living matter are being spread. Biological, Geological, and chemical conditions of a cycle individually. It flows from a nonliving component of the biosphere to a living component.
Greenhouse Effect
What are the Spheres of the Earth? Hydrosphere: Liquid component of the earth. Example: seas, oceans, rivers and lakes Atmosphere: The gas layer that surrounds the earth Geosphere: Solid part of the earth Example: crust and upper mantle Biosphere: Where the living organisms can exist
What is the Carbon Cycle? Biogeochemical cycle where carbon is traded by the different spheres of the earth Carbon moves in and out of the ocean on a daily basis and is sometimes reserved inside of the water for thousands of years Plants get rid of carbon dioxide and when we exhale, we release carbon dioxide gas (CO2) into the atmosphere
The Carbon Cycle - Spheres
Concentration of Carbon in the Atmosphere
Concentration of Carbon in the Hydrosphere
Carbon Cycle - Biosphere
Concentration of Carbon in the Geosphere
What are the Different Biogeochemical Cycles? Sedimentary Cycles: Cycle in which rocks are made by moving them from land towards the sea. It’s the process from where sediment stays in the bottom of the water and rocks are created. Phosphorus Cycle: Occurs when plants and animals die, so phosphate comes back to oceans or soils during decay. Phosphorus ends up becoming sediment and rocks. Sulphur Cycle: Process in which sulfur is transferred from and to minerals and any living system. Word Bank: Sediment: Matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid.
Gaseous Cycles: Carbon Cycle: Carbon is transferred between the different spheres. Nitrogen Cycle: Nitrogen is exchanged in the environment and between living organisms. Oxygen Cycle: Oxygen is being set out into the atmosphere and then taken back in by organisms. Hydrological Cycle: Movement of water between the different spheres.
What are the Differences Between Sedimentary and Gaseous Cycles? Sedimentary isn’t gaseous It’s slower Gaseous Cycles are mostly gaseous Much quicker
Carbon Dioxide Concentration In The Atmosphere and Its Importance
Quiz Time!!! and-carbon-cycle-flash-cards/
Word Bank Limestone Rock: Sedimentary rock composed primarily of calcium carbonate in the form of the mineral calcite. (Slide 3) Universal Solvent: A substance that dissolves most chemicals. (Slide 2) Greenhouse Effect: Process where radiation from a planet’s atmosphere warms the planet’s surface to a temperature above what it would be without its atmosphere.
Work Cited g/Universal-Solvent-Definition.htm