Anthem By Ayn Rand.


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Presentation transcript:

Anthem By Ayn Rand

Discussion What does equality mean? Give a scenario. Are individuals equal? Explain. Discussion

About the Author Ayn Rand was born in Russia in 1905. She was 12 when the Bolshevik Revolution occurred. The Bolsheviks wanted to improve their society by getting rid of monarchy and inequality and implementing communism and equality. However, this meant the confiscation of her father’s pharmacy and periods of near-starvation for her family. Rand was fascinated by the United States – a country with freedom and individualism. She eventually moved to the United States and became a writer. About the Author

Even as a young girl, Ayn Rand objected to the Communist principle that an individual must exist for the sake of the State (others). Growing up in Communist Russia, Rand saw the dark side of a society forced into equality and conformity. She believed that an individual exists for his or herself and his or her own wants or needs. Rand later developed her own philosophy called Objectivism. Her Philosophy

Anthem is a work of dystopian fiction (dystopian is a word with Greek roots that refers to a society opposite of a utopia). It takes place in a future world in which society is governed by “collectivism” (a system similar to communism). The community has many rules with strict consequences and virtually no freedoms. Anthem’s Society

In Anthem, technological advancement is limited by government (known as The Council). The society of Anthem lives in a dark age in which technology like electricity has disappeared. Men and women are assigned jobs at birth and reproduction is managed by the state. The concept of individuality has been eliminated, and the word “I” has disappeared from the language. All individual names have been made numbers preceded by words “Equality” and “Union.” Anthem’s Society

The Hero/ Protagonist The protagonist in the story is Equality- 72521. Equality stands out in a uniform and regulated society. For example, he is exceptionally tall (6’1) and caught up in his own free thinking. He represents a superior intellect in a world of automatons. The Hero/ Protagonist

Anthem is a struggle between contrasting philosophies through the course of the novel. Rand refers to these philosophies in varied terms, including: Altruism – man exists to serve others and this self- sacrifice is the highest moral duty Egoism – man’s primary moral obligation is to achieve his own welfare and well-being. Collectivism – the subjugation of the individual to a group. Collectivism holds that man must be chained to a collective action and collective thought for the sake of the “common good.” Individualism – every man is an independent and sovereign entity who posses an inalienable right to his own life. Concepts

Do you believe that you need to consider your own needs first before others? Why or why not? Describe an instance from your own life where you had to put yourself first before your friends or family despite pressure to do otherwise. Discussion