Labor Force Participation Rate by gender Male Female
Male/Female Differences in Age at Marriage
Annual Income, Real Dollars by gender Male Female
Excellent Data Resource: Gapminder
GDP: GDP per capita GDP (billions)
GDP: GDP per capita GDP (billions)
GDP: How many hours of work per item of output
GDP: How many hours of work per item of output
Spending on Food as a percentage of Disposable Income
Farmings Role in the US economy percent of workforce employed in agriculture percent of workforce employed in agriculture 7.7 percent of total GDP was produced by agriculture percent of the total labor force employed in agriculture 6.8 percent of total GDP was produced by agriculture percent of employed labor force worked in agriculture 2.3 percent of total GDP was produced by agriculture 2000s1.9 percent of employed labor force worked in agriculture (2000) 0.7 percent of total GDP was produced by agriculture (2002) Source: Compiled by Economic Research Service, USDA. Share of workforce employed in agriculture, for , Historical Statistics of the United States; for 2000, calculated using data from Census of Population; agricultural GDP as part of total GDP, calculated using data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Immigrants as a Percentage of US Population
High School Participation as a percentage of eligible population
Great Data Source The 2010 Statistical Abstract of the United States Historical Statistics